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Survival Lessons For The Aspiring CEO Facilitator - Mark Corbin

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Presentation on theme: "Survival Lessons For The Aspiring CEO Facilitator - Mark Corbin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival Lessons For The Aspiring CEO Facilitator - Mark Corbin

2 Table of Contents Strategy = Action Add Value
Skill Development Strategy = Action Add Value Failure is an Accumulation of Reasons How Much Are You Worth? Picture Success How to Make Wealth

3 Strategy = Action Developing A Quality Plan
It’s essential to create a plan of action for success. KEY STRATEGY INGREDIENTS FOCUS – Single Minded Purpose. WIN – Achieve Daily Progress. STARS – Place stars on your team. “NOT WORK – Network everyday! PHYSIC INCOME- Money ain’t everything.

4 Add Value Bring Something to the Table
What do you know and who knows you know it? Why should I work with you? WHY YOUR BRAND? SEPERATION – Better than who? COMMUNICATION – Talk is Sweet! CONDITIONING – Are you in shape? CREATE BUZZ – Follow-through.

5 Failure is An Accumulation of Reasons
Understand Business Fail Do you understand your business? Adequate Financial Resources? GRADE AGRESSIVELY - BE FAIR FOCUS – Single Minded Purpose. BELIEVE – Product/Business/You. SELLING – Learn How? FEAR NO – Nervous is good.

6 How Much Are You Worth? What Is Your Price? What is your hourly value?
The price is what it is? GRADE AGRESSIVELY - BE FAIR NO FREE CONSULTING. FEE SCHEDULE – Create one. GO FEDERAL – Government Pays? FLINCH – Go Hungry.

7 Picture Success! “Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture.” Norman Vincent Peale

8 How To Make Wealth You Are Smart? It’s All In Your Mind.
First and Foremost You Are Smart? It’s All In Your Mind. THIS YOU CAN DO TODAY! VISION – What is your vision? IMGAGINATION – You use to Dream? CREATIVITY – Find a quite space. INNOVATION – Start something new.

9 Sources IdeaBridge: How to Build a Winning Business
Reasons for Failure: Success Image: Overholser Mansion: Mercedes E Class: Brain Power (Thumbs Screen Image) Push Pin Clip Art; Black family:

10 SBE Supportive Services Team
Contact Information: Mark Corbin: Dominique Smiley: Telephone: SBE Website:

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