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Semiconductor Processing Single Crystal Silicon

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1 Semiconductor Processing Single Crystal Silicon
Professor Masoud Agah ECE Department

2 Crystal Structure Solid  in crystalline and amorphous forms
Crystalline solids: constituent atoms of the solid are spatially arranged in periodic fashion. Crystalline solid  single crystal or polycrystalline Amorphous materials are devoid of long-range periodic structure.

3 Crystal Structure Lattice: the periodic arrangement of atoms in a crystal Unit cell: the smallest volume representing the lattice Simple Cubic (SC) Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) Face-Centered Cubic (FCC)

4 Crystal Structure Directions are expressed similar to vectors in [ ].
In a cubic lattice, [100] = [010] = [001]  <100>

5 Crystal Structure Deriving Miller indices to define a set of parallel planes: The intercepts of the plane with the crystal axes are found. The reciprocal of the three integers are taken. The smallest set of integers h, k, and l are found that have the same relationship to each other as the three reciprocals (1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 are converted to 3, 4, and 6). These integers are Miller indices of the plane, and the plane is labeled (h k l). Equivalent planes are labeled as {h k l}. In cubic cells, direction [h k l] is perpendicular to a plane (h k l).

6 Crystal Structure

7 Crystal Structure Silicon has a diamond cubic lattice.
The diamond lattice also contains four lattice points per unit cell but contains 8 atoms per unit cell. The number of silicon atoms: 5x1022 atoms/cm3

8 SCS Manufacturing

9 SCS Manufacturing

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