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Welcome to Nursery – FKS1

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1 Welcome to Nursery – FKS1
FKS 1 Parents' Meeting 23rd September 2010 Welcome to Nursery – FKS1 Curriculum meeting Thursday 28th September 2017


3 Nursery Staff Mrs Lee Mrs Turner Miss Millington Mrs Adams PPA
Childcare – Jade, Amy & Emma

4 Our Nursery Session Welcome Time
Children are welcomed into the Nursery. The children hang up coats, place book bags in the box and self-register with their picture name card. Language for Thinking Register and introduction to the session. Speaking and listening time either whole class or in smaller family groups.

5 Activity time During this time children will: choose planned independent activities inside and outside the classroom; initiate their own activities; independently have their snack; work with a member of staff either in small groups or 1-1 on a focussed activity. Plenary Feedback from independent activities and reinforcing/extending learning. Targeted Teaching Whole class or split into smaller groups for targeted teaching e.g. phonics. Story and Singing Story and songs related to learning theme or children’s interests. Preparation for lunch/home time.

6 7 Areas of learning The Prime Areas:
Personal, social and emotional development Physical Development Communication and Language The Specific Areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive Arts and Design

7 The Outdoor Curriculum
Makes a positive impact on children's sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children's development. Offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on different scales than when indoors. It gives children first-hand contact with weather, seasons and the natural world. Offers children freedom to explore, use their senses, and be physically active and exuberant.

8 Spring 2 ~ Bears Summer 1 ~ Water Summer 2 ~ Journeys
Our Nursery Themes Autumn 1 ~ All About Me Autumn 2 ~ Celebrations Spring 1 ~ Incredible Creatures Spring 2 ~ Bears Summer 1 ~ Water Summer 2 ~ Journeys

9 Assessment The children are assessed using the Solihull Progress Tracker Children are assessed using observations – often recorded on the ipads, during small group work and sometimes through one to one activities. These are all on-going throughout the year.

10 Targets Targets are set every half-term following initial baseline and on-going assessments. Each child has three targets, one each for early skills in reading, writing and maths. Target sheets are kept in the book bags. Please take the second copy out to use at home. Activities at nursery are planned to link to the targets. We have found that children who are supported at home with their targets make greater progress.

11 Reading Pre-reading skills: Library day is Friday.
Playing picture matching games and jigsaw puzzles Singing nursery rhymes Playing I Spy Sharing books Joining in conversations with adults and children. Library day is Friday. Nursery doors will be opened 15 minutes earlier than usual to allow you time to choose a new book with your child.

12 Write Dance

13 P.E. P.E day is Monday. Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible when getting dressed and undressed at home. Please check all clothing that will be taken off is named! Children must not wear earrings or any other jewellery for health and safety reasons. Children should wear appropriate clothing each Monday.

14 Philosophy for children (P4C)
P4C is a strategy that uses philosophy to deepen thinking ability in children. The children are encouraged to ask questions based on a stimulus.

15 Where have the people gone?
What are they looking for? Have you got any brothers? Where is your house?

16 B.L.P. Building Learning Power
The four key elements of BLP are: Reciprocity Resilience Resourcefulness Reflectiveness

17 Wow Books To celebrate the learning your child does at home.
One area of learning is focused on each half-term. Include anything you feel is relevant and that can support our assessment of your child during the year.

18 Trips We will go on several trips during the year and always welcome parents to help and support us.

19 How to help at home Share books with your child as much as possible – visit the local library. Let them dress and undress themselves. Practise putting shoes and coats on and taking them off. If possible let them use a computer with a mouse to develop hand eye co-ordination. Play games that involve turn-taking, e.g. pairs, snap. Don’t always let them win! Sing nursery rhymes and counting songs. Strengthen their grip by pegging out washing, using playdough. Begin to develop pencil control by painting, colouring and gluing. Use pure sounds when sounding out words (see Jane Passy on YouTube) Count everything! Forwards and backwards. Read our weekly newsletter for lots of ideas to help your child.


21 Things to remember Please bring in pumps and spare clothes to keep in school. Library books on Friday – starting tomorrow. Book bags every day – available from the school office, £5.50. Coats every day please. We go out what ever the weather! Please practise putting on and taking off coats. No over the head coats please. If someone different is picking up your child please inform staff either by letter or on the door at the beginning of the session.

22 Blossomfield PTA Macmillan Coffee Morning tomorrow in the school hall from 9am-10am. Committee meetings – approximately each half term for around an hour. All help is very welcome!

23 Any Questions?

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