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Haverford Middle School

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1 Haverford Middle School
Eighth Grade Back-to-School Night

2 Welcome Mr. Daniel J. Horan, Principal (Ext. 5551)
Mrs. Natalie Hiller, Assistant Principal (Ext. 5581) Mrs. Ronna Scheier, Guidance Counselor (Ext. 5582) Mrs. Jocelyn Drucis, Social Worker (Ext. 5552) Mrs. Martha Lawless, Secretary (Ext. 5580)

3 Mission Haverford Middle School, in partnership with our community, will provide a welcoming, safe learning environment where all children are valued, challenged, and empowered to: Achieve their highest academic and individual potential Discover their self worth Recognize and accept differences in others Act with integrity and respect Contribute responsibly to their school and community

4 High Expectations and Performance
Philosophy of continuous improvement Collaborative effort among students, families, teachers, administrators, school board, and the community Providing the appropriate support and service to challenge all students

5 Electronic Resources Mrs. Laurie VanTrieste, Technology Coordinator (Ext ) Curriculum overview Academics > curriculum or 8th grade > 8th grade curriculum PowerSchool Video tutorials Monitoring student performance and progress Team/Teacher websites School Wires

6 Medical Services Mrs. Rene Madigosky, R.N., M.S.N. (Ext. 5102)
Mrs. Anna Marie Benlian, R.N., A.A.S. (Ext. 5470) Medication All medication must be delivered to the nurse in the original prescription bottle or over the counter medication packaging. All medication must be delivered to the nurse by an parent/guardian Students may not carry medication into/out of school or have on their possession at any time Exceptions – inhaler w/doctor’s note & EpiPen at events w/doctor’s note Physician’s notes and medical issues should be submitted/communicated directly to Mrs. Madigosky

7 Band & Orchestra Parents of band students will meet with Mr. Gittelman will meet at the end of the evening in the auditorium Mr. Brennan is not here this evening. He communicated with you via .

8 Have a great school year!
Thank You Have a great school year! Valerie

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