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Wednesday, 22 August Write into the Day

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1 Wednesday, 22 August Write into the Day
Respond to the following quotation. Agree, disagree, or qualify:  Healthy striving is self-focused: “How can I improve?” Perfectionism is other-focused: “What will they think?”      — Brené Brown YOU'LL NEED PAPER FOR NOTES TODAY (A continuation from yesterday for 1st, 3rd, and 4th period)

2 Persuasive Rhetoric: What is it?
Persuasive rhetoric is the art of using language to argue and convince others to adopt a position or act in a certain way. Why is it helpful to understand what it is and how to use it? effective communication rational exchange of opposing viewpoints

3 Rhetorical “Texts” Consist of many things including but not limited to: Speeches (formal or informal) Blogs Essays Political cartoons Advertisements Films Books Products that can be read, viewed, analyzed, understood, etc.

4 “On Any Given Sunday” es/specialengagements/moviespeechonanygive nsunday.html What do you think makes Coach D’Amato’s speech so convincing to his players? What words or phrases stood out to you as the most persuasive?

5 Key Parts to Analyzing Rhetoric
Speaker Occasion Audience Purpose Subject Tone

6 Speaker person or group who creates the text deliverer of speech
writer of article artist who illustrates company who commissions ads  But you have to go deeper than this if you can. Do research to find out their background. Look at how they develop their ethos to assume information about them. 

7 Occasion Occasion: Time and place and context of when a text was written or spoken Circumstances, atmosphere, attitudes, events, etc. surrounding a text.  Occasion and Context – like the setting of a story Time and place are concrete while context is fluid and broad

8 Audience Listener, viewer, or reader of the “text” or message
Can have multiple audiences Speaker must:  take into consideration an audience’s values, beliefs, morals, etc. in order for the speaker to appeal to the audiences sense of pathos or logos in an authentic and effective manner.  know how informed an audience is on the topic so that the speaker can create a common place

9 Purpose Purpose: speaker’s goal

10 Subject topic of message Do not confuse with purpose
Purpose is the goal the speaker wishes to achieve through the message

11 Tone the attitude of the speaker toward the topic or audience.
Can be identified through diction: word choice Use the list of tone words you printed off to find this.

12 The Rhetorical Triangle
Also called: Aristotelian triangle Speaker Audience Subject

13 Rhetorical Triangle Continued
All three elements (speaker, audience, and subject) are interrelated. One cannot exist without the other. The text is vital for all parts of the triangle.

14 “On Any Given Sunday” es/specialengagements/moviespeechonanygive nsunday.html Watch again and identify the following: Speaker - Occasion - Audience - Purpose - Subject - Tone -

15 Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone Remember! Practice!
SOAPS On a loose leaf sheet of paper, practice identifying the key parts of analyzing rhetoric in this clip from “Ali” Remember! Practice! Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone m/watch?v=o1ZMnQXY gKA

16 Homework Finish your work on “Disturb Me Please” for our Socratic Seminar beginning tomorrow. Thursday, 23 August 2018. Log into a school computer by tomorrow. If you cannot, because you do not know your password try your initials CAPITOLIZED followed by your lunch number. If that doesn’t work, tell me. Don’t forget CEF. Due Friday of course. Instructions are the same as last week and are on my website.

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