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Patterns of Development

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1 Patterns of Development
Essay Writing Foundations

2 Narration Story telling – recounting of events
Based on personal experience or gained knowledge Writers often use to lead into a topic Usually chronological Concrete details Point of view Dialogue

3 Description Includes many specific details
Emphasizes the senses by painting a picture of Sight Sound Taste Smell Touch Used to establish a mood or atmosphere May use emotionally charged language

4 Definition An idea must be identified before it can be discussed
May lay the foundation to establish common ground Or identify areas of conflict Defining a term is often the first step in a disagreement or debate Then often analyzes characteristics that define the term or concept

5 Exemplification Provides a series of examples
Turns a general idea into a concrete one Makes arguments clearer and more persuasive May use one extended example or a series of related ones

6 Process Analysis Explains how something works How to do something
How something was done Examples: How to make bread How to set up an Excel sheet Directions to assemble a grill Self-Help books

7 Compare & Contrast Putting 2 things or ideas side by side to highlight their similarities and differences Often used to discuss Subtle differences Similarities in: Method Style Purpose

8 Cause & Effect Looks at how a cause leads to a result OR how an effect results from a cause

9 Classification Division
Sorting of ideas into categories What goes together and why? Breaking down a larger idea or concept into parts

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