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The problem solving loop

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Presentation on theme: "The problem solving loop"— Presentation transcript:

1 The problem solving loop
A full proof six step program to help deal with everyday issues and problems you face as a student

2 The point of this presentation
The point of this presentation is to hepl you quickly and efficiently deal with all the problems you face as as student without having in a time saving and effective way. It will help aid you with anything that requires you to make decisions and aquire achievements. The problem solving loop will understand the logic and process needed to to deal with issues.

3 Stop and identify the problem
It seems easy to look for problems right? It is so easy to find a problem. Wrong! It is not always easy to identify problems as people tie their emotions and feeling instead of critically looking at the issue. What if the problem is something that is wrong with you, e.g The problem might be that you don’t work well with others. STAR method can be used. Obtain consensus Consensus is coming to an agreement. Whether individually or within a group. Consensus is a Key concept .

4 Remember the Star Stop , remove your emotions feelings
Think, think carefully critically and with an open mind Act, try out one of your ideas and see how it goes Review, figure out what is wrong with your idea and try to perfect it.

5 Analysing is finding out information about the problem.
Analyse the problem Once you have properly identified a problem, you must analyse it properly People often get caught in the sideffects and not the real crux of the problem. This leaves them frustrated and confused. Analysing is finding out information about the problem. Find out background info about the problem. once sufficient information is collected review and come to consensus about it.

6 Generate possible solutions
After analysis Come up with a variety of of ideas and solutions to your problem. The creative part of problem solving. Anything goes! Brainstorm , create spider diagrams and write down your ideas, If you re working in a group remember to keep an open mind. Never disregard someone else’s ideas and perspective

7 Implement you best solution
Pick the best one of your ideas and put it into action or implement it. There is no point in going through the trouble of having a solution for something if you are not going to try it out. Fear can’t be a factor!!

8 Evaluate your solution
The final step is to evaluate your solution , important step as your solution if often wrong the first time. Ask yourself: Was my solution successful If not, where did it go wrong? What can I do to make it better? Can I improve my solution or should a change it? Then make the necessary changes to your solution to make it work.

9 Create as many solutions and ideas as possible
Find the problem Analyze the problem Review and evaluate Collect info pick the best solution Stay in the loop Create as many solutions and ideas as possible

10 Conclusion Just give it a try!! You would regret it!
To those of you who think this approach to solving complex issues in life seems childish and naive. I would like to say to you that this method has been tried and tested, many serious business men, families and individuals use the problem solving loop effectively in their lives. It does work and can be applied to any issue, academic or personal. Just give it a try!! You would regret it!

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