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Scatter Graphs Fitting a line of best fit to a non-linear model

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1 Scatter Graphs Fitting a line of best fit to a non-linear model
GCSE Statistics Scatter Graphs Fitting a line of best fit to a non-linear model

2 Non Linear Models Sometimes a straight line is not the best fit for an association between two variables

3 Area, y (mm²) Length, x (mm²) An investigation into the length and area of nine leave produced this scatter graph. A straight line is not the best model for the association between these two variables. A curve is better, so these data fit a non linear model.

4 Area, y (mm²) Length, x (mm²) The curve is of the form y =axn +b The look of the curves of the form y =axn +b vary according to n. It is important to recognise and use values for n or 2, -1 or ½.

5 In an exam you will need to recognise these models
These values give the following equations n=2 n= -1 n=½ y = ax² + b y = ax-1 + b y = ax½ + b y = a x + b y = a 𝑥 + b X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X In an exam you will need to recognise these models

6 When we look at the way things decay and grow we usually get what is called an exponential function. This is one in the form y = kax. exponential growth is in the form y = kax (a > 1) exponential decay is in the form y = kax (0 <a < 1) In an exam you will be told which model y = kax or y = ax² + b you should consider.

7 Your turn Exercise 5G page 194

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