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The Origins of the Cold War (Unit 12)

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2 The Origins of the Cold War (Unit 12)
BRAINSTORM: What do you remember about the Cold War from previous history classes?

3 Winston Churchill gave the Iron Curtain speech in 1946
Map of the Iron Curtain

4 The Truman Doctrine, 1947 President Truman outlined the Truman Doctrine to a joint session of Congress in March of 1947

5 A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country
The Marshall Plan, 1947 Photo shows a delivery of wheat from the U.S. being unloaded in Rotterdam, Netherlands A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country

6 NATO Treaty, 1949. Warsaw Pact, 1955.

7 Central Historical Question
Who started the Cold War?





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