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Records Management Allen ISD.

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1 Records Management Allen ISD

2 Records Management Records management is designed to develop and maintain an active and continuing records management program, and to ensure Allen ISD is in compliance with district policy, the Local Government Records Act (LGRA) and Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) guidelines.

3 What is a Record? Documents the transaction of any business
Is created or received by a local government Is a record whether it is open or closed May exist in any medium (on any device) (Retention schedules remain the same… …in any format)

4 What is not a Record? Convenience copies “Extra identical copies of documents created only for convenience of reference or research” Copies of documents furnished to the public as part of a public records request Blank forms/stocks of publications Library or museum materials

5 Administrative Fiscal Legal Historical
Records Examples Administrative Fiscal Legal Historical

6 Retention Schedule

7 TSLAC Retention Options
TSLAC requires each local government to follow one of the following records retention options to ensure compliance: Allen ISD has Adopted the TSLAC Retention Guidelines. Adopt TSLAC Guidelines for retention. Create custom retention schedules (must meet or exceed TSLAC retention schedules). Store all records permanently.

8 Current Records Count Allen ISD Service Center is currently storing approximately boxes of records.

9 Records Environment Allen ISD currently follows TSLAC Records Storage Standards (bulletin F) for retention. (building codes, conditions, temperatures, etc.) Allen ISD continues to maintain a clean environment for records retention.

10 Retention Schedules For a complete list of retention schedules, refer to Other valuable information can be found on the Texas State Library and Archives Commission website

11 Current Records Retention
Each campus/department should box records for storage, label with destruction date, and send them to AISD Warehouse for retention. Each year in Sept/Oct, a report is sent to each campus/department to verify records which have met retention period, to be approved for destruction.

12 Current Records Retention
What is the current format? Electronic? Paper? Other? What are you keeping? Is Yellow Folder involved your process?

13 Current Records Retention
Please be sure to fill boxes before sending them to Warehouse. Boxes used for storage must come from district- (through Skyward 1199). $4.32 per box. Student records & retention guidelines:

14 Future Records Retention
Our goal is to provide you with more retention guidance. Regular meetings together as Site Records Managers. We will communicate changes, and try to coincide changes with fiscal years. Open communication with Records Manager.

15 Communication Keith Taylor
If you have any questions, I’m happy to assist! Keith Taylor Manager of Assets & Records Retention Cell

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