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Climbing the Mountain Creating Synergy for a Favorable Reception of a Transfer Evaluation System Christine Damrose-Mahlmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Climbing the Mountain Creating Synergy for a Favorable Reception of a Transfer Evaluation System Christine Damrose-Mahlmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climbing the Mountain Creating Synergy for a Favorable Reception of a Transfer Evaluation System Christine Damrose-Mahlmann

2 Agenda Putting it into perspective Looking at what change means
Important things to remember when you want to make a change….

3 Where it all started Before 1990 – Steno Pad and Pencil
After 1990 – Homegrown Database Over 3000 colleges and universities in the database Over 50,000 Course Equivalents With MS Windows – Access Database Newest Catalogs only From 2000 – Looked at College Source

4 2010 Forwarded email from College Source Soliciting
It Is Here

5 New Time and Attendance System New e-Mail System
“It is not uncommon for an organization to choose to conduct a project that will have impact on the organization itself.” Dr. Gary J. Evans, PMP/CVR/IT Consulting New Time and Attendance System New System Transition from Primarily Print to Electronic Media Introduction of New Technology Distribution of Workers in a New Office Space

6 What Does Change Mean? Involves rearranging of current work norms and relationships to meet new needs Modifying employee’s attitudes and behaviors to make them more effective contributors to the organization’s goals

7 How does your institution present change? Give an example
Think, Pair, Share How does your institution present change? Give an example

8 Four Barriers that Impede Change
Those you are asking to participate in the change have to see the point in what they are doing or changing The surrounding structures (reward and recognition systems, for example) must be in tune with the new behavior Employees must have the skills to do what it requires Finally, they must see people they respect modeling it actively.


10 Who paid attention to the generational differences?
Provide adequate attention to the human side of technology projects and you will eliminate one of the greatest causes of technology project failure Who paid attention to the generational differences?


12 Gary Vansuch, 2009 Awareness of the need for change (why).
Desire to support and participate in the change (our choice). Knowledge about how to change (the learning process). Ability to implement the change (turning knowledge into action). Reinforcement to sustain the change (celebrating success). Gary Vansuch, 2009


14 Awareness of the need for change.
The nature of the change. Why is the change happening? What is the risk of not changing?


16 Change is Good… You Go First

17 Questions Comments?

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