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Unit three Vocabulary Week Eight.

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1 Unit three Vocabulary Week Eight

2 abstruse (adjective) difficult to understand .

3 apostasy (noun) forsaking beliefs once held
I saw Mike eating a hamburger the other day. He was one vegetarian I never thought would be guilty of apostasy.

4 Bauble (noun) trinket All any girl wants for her birthday is a small bauble.

5 bullion (noun) ingots/bars
The billionaire’s vaults were stuffed with gold bullion.

6 fresco (noun) a painting done on wet plaster
Da Vinci’s Last Supper is the most famous fresco in the world.

7 frugal (adjective) thrifty My aunt is a frugal shopper.

8 iridescent (adjective)
rainbow-like The bowl had an iridescent appearance.

9 opulence (noun) luxury
If you are very rich, you can afford to live in opulence.

10 promontory (noun) headland
The lighthouse was located atop the promontory.

11 usury (noun) the act of charging excessive interest on loans
Credit card companies engage in usury.

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