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Social and Cultural Differences

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1 Social and Cultural Differences
Civil War Essentials Social and Cultural Differences

2 Civil War Economic specialties Geography Sectionalism;
Western issues/Slavery Expansion

3 McCleod Plantation James Island

4 McCleod Plantation James Island

5 New York Slum; Tenement House Jacob Riis

6 West 47th Street New York City

7 Sectionalism North: Puritan; Commercial; Diversity
South: Privileged Class; Rivers; XTowns West: Northern or Southern Expansion Immigration and values African-Americans: Northern Free Blacks but limited rights. De Facto segregation in the North Freeman: artisans; no rights

8 John C. Calhoun

9 Daniel Webster

10 Henry Clay

11 “Go West, Young Man.”

12 Harriet Beecher Stowe

13 Tubman, Douglass, Garrison,Brown


15 Nat Turner’s Rebellion, VA.

16 Railroads

17 Railroads and Union Union-Pacific Railroad

18 Northern Business

19 Rural South

20 Artisans

21 Artisans

22 Seneca Falls, NY: Women’s Vote: Lucretia Mott

23 Great Awakening: 1840’s

24 Great Awakening Religious Movement
Reform movements, early 1800’s. Abolitionists: Quakers, first.; “Inner Light” Nat Turner; Frederick Douglas; Harriet Tubman; White: William Lloyd Garrison: The Liberator Grimke Sisters: Charleston Harriet Beecher Stowe John Brown

25 Issues of Reform: Newspapers Underground Railroad
Southerners: Slavery Positive Good relative to workers of the North What about Women’s rights? Women’s rights tied to Abolition/North Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott Seneca Falls Convention; NY; 1848 Declaration of Women’s Rights.

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