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Presentation on theme: "BREASTFEEDING DROP-IN SESSIONS IN HACKNEY"— Presentation transcript:

Support and information: find out about other local services: meet other parents Please telephone beforehand to confirm that the session is running Mon Woodberry Down Children’s Centre, Spring Park Drive N4 2NP Comet Children’s Centre, 20 Halcomb Street N1 5RF Linden Children’s Centre, Rectory Road N16 7SH Tue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, 1-13 Triangle Road E8 3RP Wed Beis Brucha Mother & Baby Home,208 Lordship Road N16 5ES (closed on August) Barton House Health Centre, 233 Albion Road N16 9JT Daubeney Children’s Centre, 103 Daubeney Road E5 0EG Fri Shoreditch Maternity Centre, 170 Pitfield Street N1 6JP For more information about breastfeeding contact your midwife or health visitor. For further information about local breastfeeding services, contact the Breastfeeding Coordinator: /

2 Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme in Hackney
The London Borough of Hackney and Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust promote, encourage and support breastfeeding as it has many benefits for mothers and babies. As part of this commitment, Hackney’s Breastfeeding Welcome scheme works with local businesses and organisations to support them to provide a welcoming environment for breastfeeding mothers. Look out for the stickers. For information about Breastfeeding Welcome Venues in Hackney and the City, you can visit or Remember that breastfeeding mothers are not restricted to these venues. Many places have an open attitude to breastfeeding even though they are not yet enrolled on the scheme  If you need further information, please contact: Other useful information and support for breastfeeding For advice, information and support following the birth of your baby, please contact the  Homerton Maternity Helpline: 020  (open 10am to 6pm including weekends and bank holidays). Your call will be answered by midwives from Homerton University Hospital. You can also contact: National Breastfeeding Helpline: BfN Support in Bengali/Sylheti: Lines open 9.30am to 9.30pm, seven days a week, including bank holidays Incorporating hospital and community health services, teaching and research CSDO Produced V.2.0. Reviewed: June 2014, Next review June 2016


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