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Geo Day 67.

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1 Geo Day 67

2 Starter Draw a picture of the Medieval Ages
Please pull out your Rome essay and staple your rubric to the front of it, I will collect them after we talk about the starter.

3 Today’s Learning Targets:
I will be able to explain the major societal changes in medieval Europe based on the feudal system

4 Middle Ages Dark Ages or Medieval Times

5 Government

6 “King” declares: MY land & MY rules
Rome Falls…Now What? Rich Romans own land Rome Falls No government or laws “King” declares: MY land & MY rules KINGDOM!

7 Social Order: Feudalism

8 But who is really running the show?
The Catholic Pope King Lords Knights Serfs (Peasants)

9 Pope After Christ, his apostles (leaders in his religion) manage the Christian church Catholic church leaders follow the line of leadership from major apostle, Peter After Constantine, the position of Pope comes to be Popes are chosen from high-ranking church officials called cardinals In Medieval Times, Pope becomes the ruler of ALL of Christian Europe. All kings must listen to his advice Theocracy: government run by a religion


11 Roles and Lives of Feudalism
From Empire to Middle Ages (20-25 min)

12 Feudal System Kings: Owns all the land, oversee laws of land
Lord: Watches over land, in charge of knights Knight: protects Kingdom & defends Christianity Serf: pay rent to King to live on land, could be slaves, or have some money

13 Culture

14 Magna Carta Made peace between King and Barons
Promised the protection of church rights Protection for barons Limitations of taxes to the Crown Doesn’t end up being fulfilled, but it is the one of the first documents provided to limit the power of the King Inspires U.S. Constitution

15 Knights Protectors of the Kingdom and Christianity Eve of knighthood:
Spends the day in meditation, vowing to Christianity and chivalry

16 Qualifications to be a Knight
Nobility You could become a knight if you were a peasant, but it was VERY expensive to buy armor, horse, etc. 7yrs old – Page to a lord Servant 14 yrs old – squire to a knight Tends to knights’ horses and weapons Gain battle experience Great combat skills Followed Code of Chivalry

17 Tournaments Started as military practice for Knights in 843
Became official tournaments around 1160 THE social event of the Middle Ages Main events: Melee (much like wresting) and Jousting


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