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Helpcare Project Roundtable Discussion

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1 Helpcare Project Roundtable Discussion
Dr Carolyn Downs Principle Investigator Lancaster University

2 Agenda Project Update Impact across Europe Discussion and Observations
Helpcare Project 2017 Agenda Project Update Impact across Europe Discussion and Observations

3 Project Impact Ortona Greece UK

A new initiative including the seven towns of Ortona, Arielli, Crecchio, Giuliano Teatino, Poggiofiorito, Tollo, Canosa Sannita. These towns are part of the consortium for the management of the Area Plan of social services in the province of Chieti in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

MAIN SERVICES Information, personal advice and tutoring; Matching supply to demand (for care work); Supporting carers in using the Helpcare self-assessment tool to evaluate their own training needs; Organising training courses for care workers in cooperation with the local Health Units with specific language modules for migrant care workers; Creating a local register for care workers; Cultural mediation to help and facilitate the communication between families and migrant care workers.

6 Greece The Alzheimers Organisation plan to use the Care Plan Guide developed by SEERC and to make it available on their website. Local nursing home services have been visited, in order to discuss their planning for care provide, and they found a lot of our material useful in assessing training needs of the staff and to develop a training course for their carers. 

7 UK  Devon County Council have included some of our recommendations in plans relevant to health and social care. An invitation to speak at the Lancashire Care Conference in November 2017.

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