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Accuracy Activity: SHAZAM!

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Presentation on theme: "Accuracy Activity: SHAZAM!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accuracy Activity: SHAZAM!
10.5 Accuracy Activity: SHAZAM!

2 SHAZAM! 1 Select 1 student to tally points on board.
Team Fab Team Awe 1 Select 1 student to tally points on board. Class will compete against the teacher, or create two teams. One S. states the # of cards to be read (2-5 words) Whole class reads words chorally. 1 point is earned for each card. If SHAZAM! turns up, team loses all points. T. states the # of cards to be read (2-5 words)—teacher can read these or give class more practice by making them read hers/his as well. Play until time runs out or all words are read. Team with most points wins. Repeat game as time allows.

3 pursue

4 awful

5 charcoal

6 coastline


8 foe

9 crew


11 chew

12 glue

13 sue

14 rescue

15 neutron

16 oak

17 seesaw

18 auditory


20 authentic

21 mildew

22 blew

23 blue

24 clue

25 laundry

26 cause

27 fawn

28 maneuver

29 dew

30 fault

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