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Step-by-Step with the IPEDS Help Desk

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Presentation on theme: "Step-by-Step with the IPEDS Help Desk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Step-by-Step with the IPEDS Help Desk
Turning Knowledge into Practice Step-by-Step with the IPEDS Help Desk Jamie Isaac and Janice Kelly-Reid RTI International

2 IPEDS Help Desk - Operated by RTI International
- Specially hired and trained to serve IPEDS customers - Open weekdays 8:30am to 5:00pm Eastern time - Open evenings and weekends during the final week of each collection

3 What’s Happening at the Help Desk?
At present, we have 17 staff, many of them seasoned veterans, with combined experience of 89 collection periods (avg. of 5.2 each). IPEDS users continue to keep us very busy! …as follows…..

4 Help Desk Activity – Last 3 Collection Periods

5 Inbound Call volume Collection Year * Projected

6 Outbound Call volume Collection Year * Projected

7 Undeliverable Emails Finally- we are seeing a decline in this problem
During the 2004 SHEEO Meeting, we reported: “We recently decided that we need to send a letter to all keyholders asking them to take steps to ensure timely receipt of IPEDS-related s.” This letter was sent on July 21, and it seems to have been successful at reducing our bounced s. Advances in technology have also likely contributed to the decline. Finally- we are seeing a decline in this problem

8 Undeliverable Emails – Turning the Tide
Number of “Bounced” or Undeliverable s, by Collection Year Collection Year

9 Top Ten rejected IPEDS slogans
10) IPEDS… just DO it! 9) IPEDS... it’s all about bipeds! 8) IPEDS... we can’t remember what it stands for, but we love it anyway 7) IPEDS... good wholesome fun 6) IPEDS... exercise for the brain!

10 Top Ten rejected IPEDS slogans
5) IPEDS... If you like doing your taxes… you’ll love doing IPEDS! 4) IPEDS… Data that are mmm mmm good! 3) IPEDS… Incomprehensible, Perplexing, and Exasperating Data System 2) IPEDS... Why? Because Congress Said So!

11 Top Ten rejected IPEDS slogans
1) IPEDS… driving the postsecondary world crazy, one keyholder at a time….

12 Some of our favorite lines...
- I tried to change from GASB to FASB, and now all my data are gone.  Must I enter them all again? - Oh, wow! Thanks for those training announcements. Southeast Asia, Latvia, Hong Kong. We're in New York. But keep trying.

13 Some of our favorite lines...
- I am at a loss help me, Obiwan Kanobi.  You’re my only hope! - Forgive me for commenting…. but filling out IPEDS, or even thinking about it, is like going to the dentist.

14 In Closing… Step-by-Step with IPEDS tools
Thank you for your assistance in making IPEDS successful. Remember… for your data needs…. Step-by-Step with IPEDS tools

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