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(SME) Evenor-Tech, S.L. CSIC - Spin-off, Spain Dr. María Anaya-Romero

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Presentation on theme: "(SME) Evenor-Tech, S.L. CSIC - Spin-off, Spain Dr. María Anaya-Romero"— Presentation transcript:

1 (SME) Evenor-Tech, S.L. CSIC - Spin-off, Spain Dr. María Anaya-Romero
Specialities: Geo-Information; Agro-forestry evaluation under scenarios of global change; Soil carbon sequestration. Evenor-Tech, S.L. - Technology: MicroLEIS: Agro-ecological Decision Support System for Land Use Planning under scenarios of global change. SEISnet: Soil data bank (1143 soil profiles). Main European Projects: ETC/Soil – European Topic Centre on Soil. EEA – European Environmental Agency. SCAPE – Soil Conservation and Protection Strategies for Europe. CEC, DG XII(Contrato no. EVK2-CT ).

2 Technology: MicroLEIS DSS Agro-ecological database
Soil-specific decision support system Information technologies Basic data warehousing: CDBm, geo-database system SDBm, geo-database system MDBm, geo-knowledge base Modeling procedures: ES, expert system HM, hybrid model NN, neural network QA, qualitative approach SM, statistical model SS, simulation system Integration methodologies: GI, geographical technology DSS, decision support system Major input parameters Climate variables: Monthly temperature Monthly precipitation Maximum precipitation Soil attributes: Useful depth Textural class Organic matter Drainage Water retention Agricultural systems: Land use type Management practices Agro-ecological database CDBm Climate data SDBm Soil data MDBm Farming data Land evaluation models Supported decisions Land use planning: Best lands distribution Marginal lands restoration Crops diversification Vulnerability zones segregation Fertility problem areas Soil management designing: Organic matter restoration Tillage intensity Workability timing Machinery types Inputs rationalization Climate change impacts: Agro-climatic perturbations Growth potential effects Land degradation and resilience Biofuel crops distribution Management practices adaptation Soil carbon sequestration Soil quality & Land degradation - SS Terraza BD ES Raizal ER - QA Cervatana LC HM ImpelERO IM - NN Sierra FS SM Aljarafe PW - QA Almagra AS SM Alcor CT - SM Albero CP ES Arenal CR - QA Marisma NF ES Pantanal SC Land evaluation models Land evaluation models Biophysical processes Soil quality: AS, agricultural suitability BD, bioclimatic deficiency CP, crop productivity FS, forestry suitability LC, land capability NF, natural fertility Land degradation: CR, contamination risk CT, compaction/trafficability ER, erosion risk IM, impact/mitigation PW, plasticity/workability SC, specific contamination Application user-interface PC- Software Web- Development GI- Spatialization De la Rosa, et al. (2009). Land Use Policy Volume 26, Issue 4, October 2009, Pages © 2011 Evenor-Tech, S.L. – all rights reserved June 17, 2011

3 7PM ENV 2012 Environmental Hazards
We propose to implement/adapt MicroLEIS Technology under European Scenarios for an integrated natural resource management. We required to participate in a consortium as a partner for the following Topics: ENV Improving the resilience of society to catastrophic events through new risk-management partnerships ENV Integrating environmental and health data to advance knowledge of the role of environment in human well-being: the European exposome initiative. Thanks for your attention Dr. María Anaya Romero

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