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Care Home Resilience Project Quality Event 14 June 2018 Claire Ratnayake Amanda Mayo Operations Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Care Home Resilience Project Quality Event 14 June 2018 Claire Ratnayake Amanda Mayo Operations Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Care Home Resilience Project Quality Event 14 June Claire Ratnayake Amanda Mayo Operations Director Head of Quality and Nursing

2 Background Part of the Primary Care at Scale work;
CCG has commissioned BHCIC to undertake a scoping exercise to support the design and development of the local model of primary care and community services to support Care Homes; a costed model (within a Business Case) will be presented to CCG Board for agreement at the end of September 2018.

3 Context The provision of high quality health services to Care Home residents is key to improving their overall care and outcomes; The same range and level of services should be accessible to Care Home residents as if they were living within their own home. We know this is not currently the case, not just in Wandsworth but across England, for a range of reasons; GP Practices supporting Care Homes and their residents are providing the best care that they can, but it is recognised that looking after this vulnerable and complex group of patients takes considerable time and resources; This is not always fully recognised within the current (and varied) contractual arrangements that are in place.

4 Start with the end in mind
To develop a model that: will include the development of appropriate capacity, capability and resilience to provide a sustainable, high quality and equitable service to all Care Home residents; will make the best use of available resources and operate effectively within the wider system, is based on knowledge and experience about what is working well and what requires improvement/ attention; includes the wider support services that need to be in place to ensure the best care for patients.

5 Consultation process Sue Tappenden is leading the project work, supported by other members of the BHCIC team (Clinical Lead GPs and Amanda); A range of consultation meetings and discussions will be taking place with key stakeholders over the coming months; It is important that we hear from those who are currently providing services to Care Homes, from the Homes and residents themselves and others; We are arranging specific meetings with Practices that currently care for Care Homes as a whole; If you are a Practice that has been approached to take on any new Care Homes or currently care for any individual Care Home patients (rather than the whole Home) and would like to contribute to this work, please get in touch.

6 Get in touch We want to ensure that the proposed model is effective, appropriate and resourced and so your participation in its development is key to its success. Sue Tappenden: Angelique Edwards:

7 Table top exercise On your tables, please discuss ;
Issues and challenges you have with caring for residents in a Care Home? What would support delivery of proactive effective primary care in Care Homes? Do you have any innovative ideas we can include within our scoping exercise to support this vulnerable group of clients? Please can you write your ideas on the flipchart and nominate one of your group to feedback to all participants?

8 Question and Answers… Any questions?

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