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Stopping Routine Tail Docking An EU policy perspective

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1 Stopping Routine Tail Docking An EU policy perspective
Meeting On Actions to Prevent Tail Biting and Reduce Tail Dockings of Pigs 4-6 October 2016 Grange, Ireland Denis SIMONIN Head of Sector Animal Welfare G 2 Directorate General for Health and Food Safety

2 Legislation and recommendation
Since 2003 (Directive 2008/120/EC codified) Provision of manipulable materials to all pigs is compulsory Routine tail docking is forbidden Since March 2016 Recommendation (EU) 2016/336 Staff working document SWD(2016)49 final

3 European Parliament Petition 0336/2012 concerning the routine tail docking of piglets in Denmark(still open) EP study in 2014 following the petition Series of EP questions to Commission Meeting with Commissioner March 2016

4 Study of the Parliament 2014 (1)
EFSA 2007 opinion only 3 Member States have actually prohibited tail docking (FI, LT, SE) FVO reports 6 Member States comply 5 without information 17 do not comply

5 Study of the Parliament 2014 (2)
Investigation by NGO in 74 farms in 6 Member States 2013 in 45 farms in 6 Member States Almost systematic noncompliance on routine tail docking (87 to 100%) No systematic data collection on practical implementation

6 Complaints 3 complaints closed (2012/2013) on procedural grounds and the need to develop guidelines 3 open complaints from 2014 Recommendation now published No good reason to close them

7 Conclusion We need an action plan towards full compliance with:
A common monitoring methodology An overall benchmark of the today's situation Measurable progress within 3 years

8 Thank you for your attention!

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