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“Working with the Red Zone”

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Presentation on theme: "“Working with the Red Zone”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Working with the Red Zone”
Scott Perry & Patty Parnell Linn Benton Lincoln ESD

2 “What are the top 10 skills needed by school staff when working with behaviorally challenged students?”

3 “Big Ideas” for today… Self-awareness and building our supports
Building/maintaining relationships Function-based thinking Teach desired behaviors Crisis management Encourage / celebrate successes Attend to the environment

4 Big Idea #1: Self-awareness & building our supports
Monitoring our own physiology Avoid personalizing – keep perspective! Who can you call?

5 #2: Build & maintain relationships
People have a fundamental need for: ~ adequacy ~ belonging ~ respect… John Gottman research Search Institute: 40 Assets

6 #3: Function-based thinking…
‘Behavior’ makes sense!! It’s contextual… It’s predictable… It’s learned… It’s stable…

7 #4: Teach desired behaviors
What you want, model!! What you want, teach!! ~ “I do it, we do it, you do it” Anita Archer Self-awareness to self-monitoring to self-management…

8 #5: Crisis management Power struggles The escalation cycle
~ What we know… ~ The chain ~ The strategy The escalation cycle

9 The Escalation Cycle Colvin & Sugai, 1989 High Peak De-escalation
Acceleration Agitation Recovery Trigger Calm Low Colvin & Sugai, 1989

10 #6: Encourage & celebrate success
Developmentally appropriate academics ~ Provide opportunities for success When was the last time you…

11 #7: Attend to the environment
Low distraction McDonalds & Wendy’s Predictable routine & schedule Now, tomorrow, next week… Consistency, consistency, consistency…

12 Challenge time… Of what we just talked about, what is my biggest challenge? How does this agree or disagree with my current beliefs? How is this learning going to impact my behavior?

13 Contact information:

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