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Warm-up What are the two largest immigration groups in America and where do they usually settle?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What are the two largest immigration groups in America and where do they usually settle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What are the two largest immigration groups in America and where do they usually settle?

2 21st-Century United States

3 Population Larger, older and more racially and ethnically diverse
Decreasing birthrates and growing life spans (baby boomers) Stresses to Social Security and Medicare Systems Work force (last 20th- grew 26 million, first 21st- did not grow at all Increasing immigration 2015 approximately 320 million people in U.S.

4 Health care technology, biotechnology, has improved.
American society changed profoundly. People began to live longer, healthier lives. Health care technology, biotechnology, has improved. Increased government spending on social welfare: social security, medicare, etc. Older people have more political influence --more of them --AARP 4


6 Changing Demographics
Meanwhile, Americans moved in large numbers to the coasts and warmer regions of the country in the South and Southwest—”the Sunbelt” At the same time, the structure of families changed. Divorce became more common and both parents often worked outside the home. Many more babies were born to single mothers.

7 Rights Affirmative action (1960s) helped minorities and women overcome past discrimination Programs today being challenged or ended. Women and African Americans continue to make social and political gains Women are protected in the workplace The 1994 Violence Against Women Act increased federal resources to catch & prosecute men for violent acts against women

8 Education 2001---“No Child Left Behind”
Education policy took center stage as merits of standardized testing is debated Hold schools accountable Many argue isn’t a good way to measure knowledge December 2015 NCLB replaced with “Every Student Succeeds Act” States create own accountability system

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