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FDR’s First Term: A New Deal for America

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Presentation on theme: "FDR’s First Term: A New Deal for America"— Presentation transcript:

1 FDR’s First Term: A New Deal for America

2 The election of 1932 Hoover’s faults…. Franklin D. Roosevelt….
Herbert Hoover’s view on the economy…

3 Results Roosevelt – 57% Hoover – 40%

4 The New Deal’s Greatest Asset
Today’s thesis: The New Deal was different only in degree, not in kind. Philosophy of the New Deal… Therefore the cornerstone of the New Deal was….

5 The New Deal’s place in the American Story…
A break from the past? The past eras of reform… Founding Fathers Jefferson and Jackson Lincoln Progressives (TR & Wilson)….

6 FDR’s views His firm faith in… Wants to save it!

7 Basic Problems Agriculture: Industry: Banking:

8 Basic Problems Agriculture: Too much production Industry: Banking:

9 Basic Problems Agriculture: Too much production
Industry: Too much production Labor: too much labor, not enough jobs Banking:

10 Basic Problems Agriculture: Too much production
Industry: Too much production Labor: too much labor, not enough jobs Banking: lack of security in banks

11 Basic Problems Agriculture: Too much production
Industry: Too much production Labor: too much labor, not enough jobs Banking: lack of security in banks

12 The New Deal: The Three R’s
Relief (for the needy) Recovery (Economic) Reform (structural)

13 Pump Priming? Pump-priming: Government money to stimulate the economy
One of the New Deal’s most important contributions to public policy

14 A Booming Economy: The 1920’s
Income increases People purchase more goods “Boom Cycle” Companies expand and higher more people Companies earn higher profits

15 Bank Failures Clip from It’s a Wonderful Life

16 The New Deal Save the Banking system “Bank Holiday”
A recreation of trust….

17 The New Deal Save the Banking system “Bank Holiday”
A recreation of trust…. Create the FDIC

18 Programs FDIC Insured bank deposits up to $ 5000 (1935)

19 The New Deal Save the Banking system
“Bank Holiday” A recreation of trust…. Fixing the American economy – two halves…. (Next slide)

20 The New Deal Cont. Industry…. Agricultural problem…
Helping the unemployed…

21 The New Deal Cont. Industry…. Agricultural problem…
NRA Agricultural problem… AAA Helping the unemployed…

22 Programs Civilian Conservation Corps

23 Programs Works Progress Admin. (WPA) 2.1 million employed 1935-1941
Built or renovated: 110,000 public buildings Constructed 600 airports Constructed 500,000 miles of roads Constructed 100,000 bridges

24 Programs Social Security (later) Paid elderly to ‘not work.’

25 Programs Lots of other programs too!

26 Northwest: BPA

27 Grand Coulee

28 Northwest: Timberline (WPA)

29 McKenzie pass Dee Wright Observatory

30 Oregon State Capitol (WPA) This one burned 1935

31 West Salem City Hall (1936)

32 How should one view the New Deal?
Two distinct economic orders? Socialism Capitalism The distinction of the New Deal…

33 The historiographical controversy
The Question: continuity or discontinuity? The far right The far left The “VITAL CENTER” Between Socialism & Capitalism very against totalitarianism The New Deal simply another step Hoover and FDR FDR took from Hoover…

34 How was FDR different from Hoover?
Attitudes Philosophy FDR’s qualities… In critical situation…. Strengthened country Committed to the American Political Tradition…


36 FDR’s Second Term Election of 1936 FDR verses Alf Landon
Landon’s weaknesses FDR’s strategy…. FDR’s popularity is well deserved… Theme of Campaign…. AND….

37 Results! Huge Landslide! FDR – 61% Landon – 36%

38 Sea of Troubles Supreme Court declare New Deal programs…
FDR shocks America Court packing plan The plan…

39 Sea of Troubles cont. Opposition
A win in the long run: “a switch in time…” But at a cost…

40 Recession of 1937 Creeping inflation, stop deficit spending? Balanced

41 Deficit spending?

42 Recession of 1937 Recession FDR’s fault?? Contradictory advice.
FDR acts… Had FDR become a Keynesian?

43 Conclusion Return to slow recovery. The future? Failure means…
America and the world faces a decisive moment. Americans regain their… A different challenge. Which way would the world turn?

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