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JDemetra+ User Manual.

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Presentation on theme: "JDemetra+ User Manual."— Presentation transcript:

1 JDemetra+ User Manual

2 Done Main application windows Application Menu Providers Workspace
Variables Calendars Application Menu Statistical methods Tools menu Container Spectral analysis Plugins

3 Done (cont.) X-12-ARIMA specification TRAMO/SEATS specification
X-12-ARIMA results (60%) How to define and modify a multi-processing Annex Structural models Calendars in Demetra+ The content of the output for CSV, TXT and XLS Benchmarking NETBEANS plug-ins embedded with JDemetra+

4 To do TRAMO/SEATS results Structural models results
How to define and modify a single-processing TRAMO/SEATS results Structural models results Refreshing the results Sending the output to the external devices X13-ARIMA-SEATS

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