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WARM UP In your IAN Notebook, list as many examples as you can think of under the following categories: Fats Sugars Proteins Genes.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP In your IAN Notebook, list as many examples as you can think of under the following categories: Fats Sugars Proteins Genes."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP In your IAN Notebook, list as many examples as you can think of under the following categories: Fats Sugars Proteins Genes

2 Because they’re awesome.
Functional Groups Because they’re awesome.

3 What is a functional group?
A Functional Group is a group of atoms that give a larger molecule certain characteristics. These are kind of like giving warriors different weapons, the type of weapon that they have will determine their fighting style.

4 R-COOH How do we write them? Written out in the Molecular Formula
Drawn in the Structural Formula or R-COOH The ‘R’s indicate a spot where the Rest of the molecule would go

5 Hydroxyl Group (Alcohol)
Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-OH Found in Alcohols General Characteristics: Polar, Hydrophilic Examples: Water, Ethyl Alcohol

6 R-COOH Carboxyl Group Found in Carboxylic Acids
Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-COOH Found in Carboxylic Acids General Characteristics: Polar, Hydrophilic, Weak Acid Examples: Amino Acids, Acetic Acid (Vinegar)

7 R-CH3 Methyl Group R Found in Organic Hydrocarbons and Lipids
Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-CH3 R Found in Organic Hydrocarbons and Lipids General Characteristics: Nonpolar, Hydrophobic Examples: Phospholipids, methyl alcohol or methanol, CH3OH (gasoline)

8 Amine Group Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-NH2 Found in Amino Acids, the building blocks of proteins General Characteristics: Polar, Hydrophilic, Weak Base Example: Amino Acids

9 R-PO4 Phosphate Group Found in Nucleotides and Cell Membrane
Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-PO4 Found in Nucleotides and Cell Membrane General Characteristics: Polar, Hydrophilic, Acid Examples: ATP, DNA & RNA Nucleotides, Phospholipids

10 R-SH Sulfhydryl Group R Found in Thiols and certain Amino Acids
Molecular Formula Structural Formula R-SH R Found in Thiols and certain Amino Acids General Characteristics: Polar, Hydrophilic Examples: Proteins (like Skunk Spray)

11 What functional groups do you see?
Methyl Groups! Hydroxyl Groups! Phosphate Group!

12 What functional groups do you see?
Amine Groups!! Phosphate Groups!! Methyl Group!!

13 What functional groups do you see?
Amine Groups!! NH2CH2COOH Carboxyl Groups!! Sulfhydryl Group!!

14 Have you turned in your homework?
Your Solubility Curve Worksheet is due TODAY! You will only get full credit today. You can turn it in tomorrow, but it will be 10 points off your grade. If you don’t turn it in by tomorrow, I will ZAP you on Wednesday to do it in Lunch Detention on Thursday.

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