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Welcome Class of 2020! White Oak High School Please sit in rows B-H.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2020! White Oak High School Please sit in rows B-H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2020! White Oak High School Please sit in rows B-H

2 Agenda 8:30-10:00 Introduction & Welcome Administration
Small Group School Tour School Policies School Website Fashion Show 10:00-10:45 Small Group Scavenger Hunt 10:45-11:30 Guidance Athletics Clubs Class Representatives Homecoming and Spirit Week Field Day 11:30-11:45 Open Floor Discussion

3 Administration At White Oak High
Dr. Christopher Barnes Principal Mrs. Carla Bradshaw Assistant Princpal Mrs. Stacie Friebel Assistant Principal

4 Small Group School Tour
Split up by Cards

5 How do the semesters work?
Semester Schedule (First SemesterExams, Second SemesterExams) 3-Six Week Grading Periods, 3 Progress Reports Each Grading Period=75% & Each Exam=25% EVERY CLASS has a FINAL EXAM 10-Pt Grading Scale: 100-90=A 89-80= B 79-70=C 69-60=D Below 60 = F GPA begins to build NOW Letter Grade Percentage Grade GPA Value A+ 98-100 4.0 A 92-97 A- 90-91 3.75 B+ 88-89 3.5 B 82-87 3.0 B- 80-81 2.75 C+ 78-79 2.5 C 72-77 2.0 C- 70-71 1.75 D+ 68-69 1.5 D 62-67 1.0 D- 60-61 0.75 F 59 and below 0.0

6 Everyday… Daily Schedule: Four Classes-90 Minutes
1st,2nd, AA or VV, 3rd, 4th Lunch is during 3rd ($2.25) Different Lunch Periods based on Location of 3rd Period 4 MINS to get to class…HUSTLE 7:13-2:25

7 What is AA? Academic Advisory
This is a class. (Freshman-specific lessons & information) Tutor time, team building, planning your schedule In FA each class is in a HOUSE House = 4 AA’s Freshman Field Day against other AA’s House vs House

8 What if I am absent? Excused Absences (Bring in note within 10 days of absence) # of absences per semester per class (look on PowerSchool) 10 days for semester classes (total absences, both excused/unexcused) If you exceed these absences, you will not receive credit for the course: YOU WILL RECEIVE an FF-- It is YOUR responsibility to ask teachers about work missed…. teachers will not come to you about what you missed Attend class for 60 minutes in order to be counted present for each class

9 What if I am late to school or class?
If late to school, you MUST be checked in by parent/guardian or go to LATE CLASS If late to class, you will be marked tardy 3 tardies to one class = after school detention

10 What do you mean I have to pay for this class?
Onslow County Course Fees Art $7.00 Agriculture $5.00 Band & Piano $10.00 Chorus $5.00 Computer Courses $15.00 Family and Consumer Science $5.00 Guitar $10.00 Health Occupations $5.00 Instructional Fees (all students) $5.00 PLTW $15.00 Science Lab $5.00 Trades & Industry (Shop) $5.00 Vocal Music $5.00 1:1 Laptop Insurance $25.00 – 9th, 10th and 11th grade Optional Locker $ Recommended Parking Space $25.00 School Meal Prices Lunch Students, Full Price $2.25 Students, Reduced $0.40 Breakfast $1.25 Free

11 1:1 Devices a.k.a. Laptops Receiving them the first few weeks of school (hopefully week 2) Use them as your personal laptops Caution Treat them as school property Carry them to school charged EVERY DAY You will be using them in class

12 ELECTRONIC INFO Consequences for Inappropriate usage:
1st Offense - Warning to student. If student does not comply the device will be taken by staff, documented, and returned to student at the end of class. If student refuses, write up as a discipline referral and call the parent. 2nd Offense - Electronic devices taken by staff, documented, and turned in to office. Devices must be picked up by parent in the office. 3rd Offense - Phone taken and banned from school campus. Phone must be picked up by parent. Additional offenses will result in ISS/OSS days to be determined by the administration

13 Discipline/Classroom Expectations
Most discipline issues and their consequences are outlined in the student handbook Chill-Out: used as a time to think about appropriate classroom behavior and to prepare for returning to the classroom. Chillout is NOT a student choice. Students will be directed to go to Chillout by their teacher or an administrator After-School Detention

14 Navigating the White Oak Website
a teacher Student handbook Athletic Information PowerSchool Lunch Menu Clubs White Oak Spirit Shop

15 Courtesy of White Oak Marshalls
Fashion Show Courtesy of White Oak Marshalls

16 What should I wear to school?

17 Break for Scavenger Hunt

18 How can Guidance Counselors help me?
Guidance helps with: Academics Careers Personal/Social Issues No Photo Yet Mrs. McAllister A-G Mrs. Young H-O P-Z

19 How do I make an appointment with Guidance?
Just complete this form.

20 How can I be involved at White Oak High?

21 Athletics White Oak Offers the Following Sports
Coach Mueller Coach Grimes White Oak Offers the Following Sports Fall Boys:  Cross Country, Football, Soccer Fall Girls:  Cheerleading, Cross Country, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball Winter Boys:  Basketball, Indoor Track, Swimming, Wrestling Winter Girls:  Basketball, Cheerleading, Indoor Track, Swimming Spring Boys:  Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Track Spring Girls:  Soccer, Softball, Track

22 Clubs/Organization Student 2 Student SAVE Green Team FFA Spanish Club
Musical National Honor Society National Math Honor Society National Art Honor Society Future Teachers of America Drama Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes Student Council Step Team Odyssey of the Mind Tri-M Ultimate Frisbee Key Club

23 Class of 2020 Representatives
One representative per AA class See Mrs. Orndorff for more information.

24 Freshman Fun Freshman Field Day Team Building Spirit Week
Viking Trivia Homecoming Door Decorating

25 Upcoming Home Events 8/15/16- Cross County vs. S’boro, N’ Nash
  8/15/16- Soccer vs. Hoggard   8/16/16- Volleyball vs. LeJeune   8/17/16- Soccer vs. West Brunswick   8/18/16- Tennis vs. Dixon   8/19/16- Football vs. Ashley   8/22/16- Tennis vs. Northside   8/24/16- Volleyball vs. Southwest   8/24/16- Soccer vs. South Central   8/26/16- Football vs. NHS, 7pm

26 Questions?

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