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Time series graphs DESCRIBING THE SEASON.

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Presentation on theme: "Time series graphs DESCRIBING THE SEASON."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time series graphs DESCRIBING THE SEASON


3 Identify how long the pattern is.
What is the period of time it takes for the pattern to repeat? The season is a weekly (7 days) pattern.

4 Describe the highs and the lows in each pattern….
Highest sales always seem to occur on a Friday, where sales of between $ and $ have occurred. The weekly high values have decreased slightly over the four week period. Lowest sales of $ or less have occurred on Saturdays and Sundays. These low values have not changed over the four week period.

5 Describe the absolute high and / or low over the entire time period.
Over these 4 weeks the highest value of sales in one day was about $ , on the Friday of Week 1. The lowest value of sales was about $ on Sunday, Week 3.

6 Describe what happens in between the high and low points..
Each week sales generally increase slowly from Monday through to Thursday. There is a large jump in sales on Fridays and a steep decline to Saturday’s sales figures.

7 Describe how consistent is the seasonal pattern from one week to the next…
The seasonal pattern is very consistent from week to week

8 Always, always put Dates Values Context (units) in your writing

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