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73% of Americans identify as Christian, while only 31% are practicing their faith. 48% of Americans could be identified as Post-Christian 70% of those.

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Presentation on theme: "73% of Americans identify as Christian, while only 31% are practicing their faith. 48% of Americans could be identified as Post-Christian 70% of those."— Presentation transcript:


2 73% of Americans identify as Christian, while only 31% are practicing their faith. 48% of Americans could be identified as Post-Christian 70% of those that drop out of the church do so between the ages of

3 Do you have a story of your own that is compelling enough for unbelievers to want to hear? 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

4 1. Fools value the world’s wisdom over God’s wisdom.


6 The cross tells me I cannot save myself. I needed a savior: Jesus.

7 2. Dreamers define truth by their own experience.

8 Dreamers insist that reality line up with what they want to be true.


10 The cross of Christ proclaims that God is right, I am wrong
The cross of Christ proclaims that God is right, I am wrong. My life must conform to God’s reality, otherwise I am living a fantasy.

11 3. Disciples have a testimony of how Jesus Christ changed their lives.

12 Disciples are those who are the foolish, the weak, the despised, and the dead, whose lives were changed by the supernatural.

13 The inescapable question for you is this: do you have a testimony of your own? Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?

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