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What is air pressure? How does it affect weather?

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Presentation on theme: "What is air pressure? How does it affect weather?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is air pressure? How does it affect weather?

2 Air Pressure Prompt students to wave their hands in the air. Teacher: What do you feel? What are you feeling? What would it feel like if there wasn’t any air?

3 Air Pressure Air’s pressure is pretty heavy at sea level. It is equivalent to (like) an elephant balancing on a desk!

4 Air ________________ Teacher: Quickly write down the vocabulary we just learned. Then write a definition below vocabulary: Air pressure is the pressure applied by the atmosphere.

5 Air Pressure There is more pressure near the Earth’s surface and less when you go further into the atmosphere.

6 Turn and Talk and write it Atmosphere is _____________.
Quick! What is atmosphere? Turn and Talk and write it Atmosphere is _____________. After 2 minutes of students writing in their notes ask a student to come up and write it on the white board or type it into the computer.

7 Air Pressure is like blankets
When you’re at sea level it’s like you’re under ______ of blankets. When you’re on a tall mountain it’s like you’re under ________ blankets Prompt students to write into the blanks in their notes. Have them read the completed sentences to a partner.

8 Quick Write! Where is air pressure higher? On a mountain or near the beach? Why? Prompt Students to write their ideas in their notes. They then share out answers and reasons.

9 What do you remember about
Hot and Cold air? Draw a picture here After a few minutes have them compare notes with table group. Did everyone get the same answer? Make sure everyone agrees.

10 High Pressure looks like this in weather:
Cold Air High Pressure looks like this in weather: Creates High Pressure What would the air molecules look like? How does the density of the molecules affect the amount of pressure? Why would that create nice weather? Prompt students to write answers in their power point notes.

11 Low Pressure Hot Air Low Pressure looks like this in weather: Creates
What would the air molecules look like? How does the density of the molecules affect the amount of pressure? Why would that create nice weather? Prompt students to write answers in their power point notes.

12 Turn and Talk High Pressure Low Pressure
What are its causes and effects? What are its causes and effects? Instruct students to work with a partner and write their answers in their power point notes.

13 Compare and Contrast Your Turn!
What is low and high pressure? What are their causes? How are they different or the same? Complete the worksheet. Make sure you include both diagrams and writing. Fill out the whole sheet. It is worth 5 points. Hand out air pressure worksheet.

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