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A Homemade PowerPoint Game By: Jannelle Moran and Katie Brower

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Presentation on theme: "A Homemade PowerPoint Game By: Jannelle Moran and Katie Brower"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Homemade PowerPoint Game By: Jannelle Moran and Katie Brower

2 The Story of “Operation Skeleton”
The game “Operation Skeleton” is a great tool for your students to practice their knowledge about the human skeletal system and the human body. The game was originated by Katie Brower and Jannelle Moran in 2007 and is intended to be used as a learning tool in the third grade classroom. This game is a great way for your students to visually see the human skeleton and a great way for them to practice the NCSCOS objectives. BACK TO HOME

3 Game Directions The goal of the game is to practice what you have learned about the human skeleton by answering questions about the human skeleton and the human skeleton joints. To play the game, you roll the dice and move your game piece the correct amount of spaces. Once you land on a star, on a particular bone, you may then answer a question. If you answer the question correctly, you then get to add that particular bone to your personal skeleton. If you don’t answer the question correctly, you don’t get that particular bone and you may not automatically answer a question on your next turn, you must roll the dice and move to another bone and come back to the one you missed later. Make sure to keep track of the questions that have been answered correctly, that way you don’t repeat questions. The winner of the game is the first one to complete their personal skeleton. BACK TO HOME GAME BOARD GAME PIECES

4 Game Preparation Print out slides 5 and 6, and attach the two halves onto construction paper. This is your game board . Print out slide 7. Print out enough copies so that you have one for each player. Cut out the whole skeleton and each separate part. Make sure to glue your skeleton to a piece of construction paper. Print out slide 9 so that you can keep track of the questions answered by crossing out the numbers as the questions are answered correctly. Print out slide 8 in order to get the game pieces. GAME PIECES BACK TO HOME GAME BOARD



7 INDIVIDUAL SKELETONS -Skull Left Arm Right Arm- -Left Rib Cage
-Left Hand Right Hand- -Left Leg Right Leg- -Right Rib Cage -Pelvic Bone


9 QUESTIONS PAGE 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BACK TO HOME

10 Question #1 How many soft bones are babies born with? 100 300 250 230

11 Question #2 How many bones does a full grown adult have? about 192

12 Question #3 Which of the following is not a type of joint? hinge joint
foot joint ball-and-socket joint pivot joint

13 Question #4 Which of these is not an example of a hinge joint? neck
jaws elbows knuckles

14 Question #5 Which of these is an example of a ball-and-socket joint?
elbows toes hips knees

15 Question #6 Which of these is not a function of bones? locomotion
support protection digestion

16 Question #7 What is the skeletal system made up of? bones muscles skin

17 Question #8 How often does your heart beat? about 30 times an hour
about 80 times a minute about 50 times a second about 60 times a minute

18 Question #9 Which of these is not a muscle? cardiac muscle
bicep muscle radius muscle calf muscle

19 Question #10 What is a ball-and-socket joint?
when two straight bones come together to form a hinge when one bone twists within the cup or ring of another bone when the joint causes the bone to not move at all when one bone fits into the hole of another bone

20 Question #11 What is a pivot joint?
when one bone fits into the hole of another bone when one bone twists within the cup or ring of another bone when the joint causes the bone to not move at all when two straight bones come together to form a hinge

21 Question #12 What is the hardest working muscle in your body?
bicep muscle calf muscle cardiac muscle tricep muscle

22 Question #13 Which of the following is a bone in your body? femur bone
esporal bone radial bone heart bone

23 Question #14 What is the study of bones called? psychology zoology
osteology boneology

24 Question #15 Which of the following is not a type of muscle?
cardiac muscle smooth muscle skeletal muscle bone muscle

25 Question #16 What do muscles do? turn energy into movement
carry the blood throughout your body filter out wastes from your body transmit messages to your brain

26 Question #17 What are the two kinds of bone tissue?
compact bone and nerve bone spongy bone and nerve bone compact bone and spongy bone compact bone and joint bone

27 Question #18 What kind of bone tissue is rock hard? compact bone
spongy bone nerve bone joint bone

28 Question #19 What kind of bone tissue contains collagen, which makes it flexible? compact bone joint bone nerve bone spongy bone

29 Question #20 What is the name of the bone that surrounds the brain called? sutures cranium maxilla mandible



32 Educational Objectives
Audience: Intended for children ages 9 and above. Intended for grades 3 and above. Subject Area Objectives: NCSCOS Objective 4.01-Students will be able to identify the skeleton as a system of the human body. NCSCOS Objective 4.02-Students will be able to describe several functions of bones: -support -protection -locomotion NCSCOS Objective 4.03-Students will be able to describe the functions of different kinds of joints: -hinge -ball and socket -gliding BACK TO HOME

33 Credits All teachers and students at non-profit schools can use, revise or adapt this game at will at no cost on the condition that all prior designers are cited Originally designed by Katie Brower and Jannelle Moran, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, February 19, 2007 with the title “Operation Skeleton”. BACK TO HOME

34 Copyright Copyright 2007 Katie Brower Jannelle Moran
Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools. Permission is also granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright page and the credits page remain part of the game. Teachers and students who adapt the game should add their names and affiliations to the credits page without deleting and names already there. BACK TO HOME

35 OUR GAME This game can be used in the classroom to practice the NCSCOS objectives for third grade. It is a learner centered PowerPoint because it is asking the student questions to help them review. It could be used as a great review for a test and as an assistant to the teacher, while teaching the class as a whole.

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