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2nd Year OPTION ChoiceS 8th March 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Year OPTION ChoiceS 8th March 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Year OPTION ChoiceS 8th March 2018

2 The Learning Journey & New JCPA
Auto Animated Version The Learning Journey & New JCPA Choosing option subjects which they are interested in Experiencing Taster Programme & making Progress in 1st year A purposeful second year Ongoing assessment to support learning Classroom Based Assessments in 2nd & 3rd Year

3 The Learning Journey & New JCPA
Emphasis on developing 8 key skills State Exams in 3rd Year shorter 2 hour papers Broader range of reporting Lays the foundations for senior cycle Standards & Expectations remain high

4 Core Subjects for all Students
English Irish Maths Religion History Geography Science Wellbeing: PE, SPHE & CSPE

5 How do you choose options?
Subject Options Form- Complete by March 16th 2018

6 Your Daughter Can Decide
Choose one modern foreign language: French or German (B) List your subject option choices in order of preference....The one they want to do the most must be put down as NO Rank option subjects 1-4 from the list and each student will be assigned to 2 option subjects. Home Economics Business Art Music

7 Get A Balance… It is important that each student chooses a balanced range of subjects which she is interested in, having studied all subjects in 1st Year as part of our taster programme. In addition to these subjects, we will have a Learning Support Programme for students in need of extra attention with English and Maths. For students on a reduced timetable or with an official DES exemption in French/German/Irish.

8 Students Should Reflect
Do I Like this subject? Am I good at it? How have I performed up to now? What are my potential career areas of interest?

9 Discuss Talk to Subject Teachers at P/T Meeting
Your Daughter’s Preferences- Taster Programme in 1st Year. Guide your daughter but she should have a genuine interest in the subject Guidance Counsellor will be making a presentation to Students on Thursday, 8th March 2018 at 1.50pm.

10 Please select 1 modern foreign language French or German
SUBJECT CHOICES FOR 1ST YEARS GOING INTO 2ND YEAR 2018/2019 In St. Mary’s all 2nd Year students , will study the following core subjects for their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement: Irish, English, Maths, Religion, Science, History, Geography, PE, SPHE & CSPE. In addition they will study one modern foreign language (French/German) and 2 further option subjects. Please select 1 modern foreign language French or German Official DES Exemption/ Receiving Learning Support (give details) You will study 2 option subjects from the list below. Rank your preferences 1-4, with 1 being your Home Economics Business Music Art 1st choice. Subjects are available subject to demand and allocation of teaching resources from the Department of Education & Skills. Student’s Signature: Class: Date: Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: PLEASE RETURN TO BOX IN OFFICE BY WEDNESDAY 14TH MARCH 2018

11 Full Range of Subjects for JCPA
CORE SUBJECTS English Irish Maths History Geography Religion Science CSPE SPHE PE N.B. You must study a language unless you have an exemption OPTION SUBJECTS French German Art Music Home Economics Business Learning Support

12 Further Information: School Website

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