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Presentation on theme: "ELL100: INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGG."— Presentation transcript:

Lecture 8 Course Instructors: J.-B. Seo, S. Srirangarajan, S.-D. Roy, and S. Janardhanan Department of Electrical Engineering, IITD

2 Response to a forcing function

3 Response to a forcing function

4 Response to a forcing function

5 Impedance the ratio of voltage to current for exponential waveform
extends the concept of resistance to AC circuits a complex number; units same as resistance (Ohms) It has both magnitude and phase; unlike resistance, which has only magnitude.

6 Impedance the ratio of voltage to current for exponential waveform
extends the concept of resistance to AC circuits a complex number; units same as resistance (Ohms) It has both magnitude and phase; unlike resistance, which has only magnitude.

7 Impedance

8 Impedance

9 Impedance

10 Impedance

11 Impedance

12 Impedance

13 Impedance

14 Example

15 Example

16 Example

17 Example

18 Representation of Sinusoids by exponential

19 Representation of Sinusoids by exponential

20 Phasor representation
Express in terms of Effective/RMS value Phasor:

21 Phasor representation
Express in terms of Effective/RMS value Phasor:

22 Phasor representation
Express in terms of Effective/RMS value Phasor:

23 Phasor representation
Write down the equation of the current shown below as a function of time Represent the current by phasor The current reaches a positive maximum of 10 (A) at

24 Phasor representation
Write down the equation of the current shown below as a function of time Represent the current by phasor The current reaches a positive maximum of 10 (A) at

25 Phasor representation
Write down the equation of the current shown below as a function of time Represent the current by phasor The current reaches a positive maximum of 10 (A) at

26 Phasor representation
Write down the equation of the current shown below as a function of time Represent the current by phasor The current reaches a positive maximum of 10 (A) at

27 Example

28 Example

29 Example

30 Example

31 Example

32 Example

33 Impedance & Phasor representation

34 Impedance & Phasor representation

35 Impedance & Phasor representation

36 Impedance & Phasor representation

37 Impedance & Phasor representation

38 Impedance & Phasor representation

39 Impedance & Phasor representation

40 Impedance & Phasor representation

41 Impedance & Phasor representation

42 Impedance & Phasor representation

43 Impedance & Phasor representation

44 Impedance & Phasor representation

45 Impedance


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