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5 Themes of Geography Recap

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of Geography Recap"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of Geography Recap
Location: WHERE something is Place: WHAT something is like (what makes it unique-physical/cultural features) Human-Environment Interaction: How people affect/are affected by their environment

2 Region 4th Theme of Geography

3 What is a region? Region: An area on Earth that is defined by at least one shared (common) characteristic (physical or cultural).

4 Why use regions? They help break the world down into smaller, more manageable pieces. They help us understand patterns in our world.

5 What are examples of common characteristics that regions might share?
Religion Landforms (mountains, desert, rainforest, etc.) Climate Language Government/leaders Cultural characteristics (hobbies, foods, values, etc.)

6 What region in the U.S. shares a common characteristic of farming?

7 What type of region do you see on this map?

8 What is a common characteristic of the Midwest region shown on this map?

9 Examples of regions The Midwest Common characteristics (write 2):
Agriculture Climate: All 4 seasons Low cost of living Majority Christian religion Strong education systems Flat to rolling terrain English language

10 Examples of regions The Middle East Common characteristics (write 2):
Arabic Language Majority religion is Islam Large supplies of oil Hot/dry climate Desert terrain

11 Examples of regions Africa Common characteristics (write 2):
Hot/tropical climate High poverty rates Fast growing population Diamond mines Agriculture

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