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Jessica Chappell August 28th Clinical Staff Meeting Natural Supports.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Chappell August 28th Clinical Staff Meeting Natural Supports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Chappell August 28th Clinical Staff Meeting Natural Supports

2 Natural Supports The last piece to the puzzle The definition??
The personal association/relationships typically developed in the community that enhances the quality of life for people, including but not limited to family relationships; friendships reflecting diversity of the neighborhood and the community; association with fellow students or employees in the classrooms or places of work; and associations developed through participation in clubs, organizations, and other civic activities. What does this mean?

3 Natural Supports are different from friendships
What’s missing? Numerous outcome studies have found that loss of friends and social isolation are common outcomes following brain injury. Outcome studies show that following severe TBI, people are often located in the community, however, they are not an integral part of their community. A 2009 study found that 71% of sample had “no social life except that arranged by family.” Natural Supports are different from friendships Originally in workplace- now community

4 Developing Natural Supports requires:
Deliberate education Persistence Scenario how different people perceive individuals with disabilities differently

5 Natural Supports- Concepts to Making It Work!
No single method or easy answer for developing a system of natural supports Supporting and assisting individuals to be in a position to develop associations/relationships Must be individualized- does not fit into any one category Early and ongoing education is key

6 Natural Supports- Concepts to Making It Work!
Natural Supports evolve- so think in terms of years Early and ongoing education is key Are we integrating into existing community structures or forming new ones? Natural Supports are reciprocal in nature- give & take

7 What gets in the way- Barriers to creating real natural supports
range from environmental to attitudinal individualized treatment plans crafted that minimize risks, increase accessibility and maximize clinical outcomes planning must address barriers, including safety, personal enrichment, community participation, and access to services and care complete a full assessment of barriers for individuals receiving services in their home and community

8 Barriers and risk factors serve as a springboard for functional treatment planning as needs are clearly identified, resources are developed and appropriate goals are created in collaboration with the person served

9 Framework For Success Focus on the neighborhood- “Indigenous”
Ask questions and educate deliberately Find an ally Natural Supports– A Framework for Success Focus on the neighborhood - Ask questions and educate Find an Ally

10 How? Know the neighborhood, Community Groups, & Civic Organizations-
M.A.D., American Legion, NAACP, League of Women Voters, gardening club, support groups, etc. Identify Interests- a quick search of the State of Pa alone indicates 3,000,183 web pages connected with associations, 159,000 web pages focusing on collecting or collectors, over 1,300,000 web pages on self-help, 240,000 web pages associated with civic groups, and over 219,000 advocacy web sites On-line communities- over 400,00 categories of dialogue Religious/Faith Based- offer supports to members they serve, meet spiritual needs and offer other opportunities

11 Recreation/Sports- disabled rowing program in Philadelphia, National Center on Physical Activity & Disability, the Philadelphia PowerPlay is a power wheelchair floor hockey team based in Philadelphia- sponsored by United Cerebral Palsy of Philadelphia & Vicinity Ethnic Groups- greater Philadelphia Ethnic Dining Meetup Political parties Volunteer Organizations- United Way, find a cause

12 Safe Social Networking- the sign of the times





17 Q: What do all these sites have in common?
A: They all encourage that the user disclose personal information Name Location Interests Personal issues Photos

18 Risks Spam Scams Computer viruses Personal safety
Financial vulnerability Identity theft

19 Remember… Nothing is “private” on the internet
Don’t post anything that you would not be willing to share with your boss, college advisor or family member Anything can be shared… instantly and with anyone!


21 Staying Safe Online Use most secure privacy settings
Use anti-virus software (and update often) Limit personal disclosure


23 Staying Safe Online Don’t accept all Friend requests
Use safeguards if planning to meet up with someone you don’t already know Have a trusted person come along Pick a public place Don’t answer s or messages from people you don’t know Don’t share passwords Be careful posting pictures


25 Social Networking offers exciting opportunities for connecting with the community and creating more natural supports BUT, it does come with risks We need clear strategies and guidelines to minimize risk and safely create on-line natural supports

26 Getting Un-Stuck Creating Meaningful Pathways to Natural Supports
“For me, I figured out that I had to ask for help to move on and get un-stuck.”

27 Pathway One Who is Willing to Help and Listen
who listens when you talk about what is important who finds ways of keeping your needs and hopes from being ignored or forgotten who treats you with respect who do you trust who shows concerns who do I trust

28 Pathway One- People Who Will Help and Listen

29 Pathway Two What are my Hopes
what do I want to do that I am not doing now what is missing what do I want to improve what do I want to accomplish

30 Pathway Two- My Hopes

31 Pathway Three My current circle - who am I connected to
- who is important to me right now - who are my allies and on my side


33 Pathway Four My interests and strengths Before my injury-
what interested me what were my talents what aspects of my life did I enjoy the most After my injury- what interests me the most what are my greatest strengths what aspects of my life do I enjoy the most

34 Pathway Four- My Interests and Strengths
Before BI After BI

35 Pathway Five My Action Plan-
what are the first actions that I need to take to develop or increase natural supports what is most important how can I break down what is important into small manageable tasks who can help

36 Pathway Five- My Action Plan

37 Pathway Six Staying on Track- what has worked
what action steps need to continue what new action steps should I add am I where I want to be

38 My Action Plan to stay on track
Pathway Six- Staying On Track What worked What did not work My Action Plan to stay on track

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