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Angelina Zhuravleva Team «Izolenta»

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Presentation on theme: "Angelina Zhuravleva Team «Izolenta»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Angelina Zhuravleva Team «Izolenta»
The task №6 Apples Angelina Zhuravleva Team «Izolenta»

2 Our team: - Polina Parinova(captain) -Angelina Zhuravleva - Ilia Vasiliev -Sergey Glebov -Maksim Shilihin -Elisaveta Zarezina

3 Task Why do apple slices turn brown after being cut? Investigate the speed of this process and test methods to prevent browning of apple slices.

4 The structure of research:
Aim: Investigate the process of browning after apple is being cut. Our objectives: Provide methods to prevent browning. Investigate the speed of this process. Сonduct experiments. Make the full conclusion.

5 The polyphenols contained in the Apple

6 The reason of turn brown
PPO catalyzes reactions where molecular oxygen is the acceptor of hydrogen , and phenols act as a donor of hydrogen. The result is ortho-benzoquinone. It contains an unique system of paired connections called Qinode group. Qinode group is chromophore. ortho-benzoquinone is painted in bright red color due to the longer conjugated system, causing bathochromic shift. PPO

7 Factors that determine the rate of darkening
1.PPO activity pH Temperature Presence of inhibitor 2. Oxygen

8 PPO Active: 5-7 pH Temperature: 10-60°C
Belongs to the class of oxidoreductases. The main characteristic is ability to catalyze two reactions: hydroxylation of o-phenols To O-difenol oxidation by molecular oxygen in difenol quinones Active: 5-7 pH Temperature: 10-60°C

9 KOH HCl NaCl C6H8O7 CH₃COOH 10 minute 170 minute 330 minute

10 Tirosinasa DOPA Decarboksilasa Dopamin

11 The formation of melanin
KOH The formation of melanin Eymelanin Dopamine Katehol-melanin Katehol

12 HCl Protein denaturation Formation of chlorohydroquinone

13 C6H8O7 The antioxidant molecules interact with the active radicals with the formation of inactive radicals. [O] + +

14 Stop air penetration

15 Blanching

16 Inhibitor Diethylcarbamoyl

17 β-cyclodextrin (heptamer of glucose)


19 D’ =Dn+1 – Dn / t2 – t1 => D’=0,00005 unit of optical density/ second

20 Calculations I/I’=T D’ =Dn+1 – Dn / t2 – t1 I - transmitted ray
I҆ - incident ray T – coefficient of transmittance D=lgT D’ =Dn+1 – Dn / t2 – t1 D’- the speed of change of optical density. From Dn to Dn+1 - line section

21 Conclusion The result of oxidation is ortho-benzoquinone. It is painted in red color because of the longer conjugated system. Melanin is formed (when pH>7) The ways to stop browning: decrease of pH; stopping air penetration; inhibitor; blanching; penetration of antioxidants. We investigated the speed of this process. D’=0,00005 unit of optical density/ second.

22 Thank you for watching!

23 Used saucers

24 A diamine is an organic compound with two amino groups.


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