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Creating a green oasis for all

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a green oasis for all"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a green oasis for all

2 Questions?

3 Goal & Agenda Goals: Understand how ‘Green’ and ‘Microfinance’ connect
What to do next Agenda Setting the stage – What’s going on? (Marion, 20 mins) Developing tools (Geert, 5 mins) Discussion - Your Questions, Ideas (35 mins) Conclusions, Next steps (all, 5 mins)

4 Today’s discussions Global Standards Clients Centric Microfinance
Social Performance tools and principles Relationship with ‘Environment’?

5 Basic observations: Poverty / quality of life and environmental degradation are related MFIs have the choice to act

6 Green Performance Management Guidelines
An urgency to address the issue – the Driver The intent to (re)act – the Commitment The way forward – the Approach

7 Modules Exclusion list – how to implement
E&S risk management – integrated Green finance opportunities Climate change adaptation Env and social management system implementation Monitoring and measurement – indicators Triple Bottom Line reporting & communication Adopting green into SPM

8 Each Module What is it? What are we talking about?
When and why is it relevant? Examples / good practices How to apply / implement

9 Sustainable Banking Assessment
4 dimensions – 38 indicators Products and Services Responsible banking Environment Social responsibility Indicators include: % micro-enterprise loans % rural clients % female clients Average loan amount Non-financial services Avoidance mission drift Indicators include: Adherence to Client Protection Principles Prevention over- indebtedness Transparency and disclosure Client retention Fairness of price Indicators include: Competence & awareness Exclusion list Internal environmental policy Non-financial services “Green” portfolio Indicators include: Level of benefits and fairness in treatment of staff Salary levels Employee retention rate Community donations and training MFIs are evaluated on four dimensions

10 Scoring card MFIs Triodos Investment Management EM Portfolio

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