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Marine Expert Group meeting – Brussels, 6/11/2012

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1 Marine Expert Group meeting – Brussels, 6/11/2012
Progress in the designation of Marine Natura 2000 sites Synergies between marine/nature Guidance document on fisheries measures&N2000 Fotios Papoulias Nature Unit DG ENVIRONMENT Marine Expert Group meeting – Brussels, 6/11/2012

2 Designation of Marine Natura 2000
N2000 largely complete on land – needs to be extended in the marine, esp. offshore Applies to waters where Member States exercise sovereign rights: territorial waters, EEZ, other protection zones (environmental or fisheries), continental shelf A major contribution to EU Biodiv. Strategy, implementing MSFD, preserving marine biodiv. A priority since 2002 (Court rulings, political commitments, marine expert group, marine guidelines, LIFE projects, fisheries measures, biogeographical seminars…) EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: Significant progress in site designations by 2012 Conservation status of marine features stabilised/improved by 2020

3 Article 17 monitoring and reporting







10 Marine N2000 - Status Total 26.406 Natura 2000 sites, of which:
2.341 sites with a marine component (= 9% of total sites), km² (= 22% of total N2000 area, ~ 4 % of EU seas under national jurisdiction) 1.764 SCIs (~ km²), 863 SPAs (~ km²) Offshore area ~ km² 81 sites with offshore component (>5%) - 61 SCIs, 14 SPAs, 6 both - of which 53 sites entirely (>90%) offshore – 45 SCIs, 3 SPAs, 5 both

11 Marine seminar conclusions
OLD Habitats Species Conclusions % SUF Sea Region    Atlantic 33  21,2 71 33,8 Baltic 22  36,6 34 35,3 Mediterranean  30,3 35 17,1 Black Sea 8  25,0 9 11,1 Macaronesian 6  0,0 0,0 Note: Scientific Reserves=unknown counted as not-sufficient NEW PROGRESS Habitats Species Conclusions % SUF Sea Region    Atlantic 30 43,3 71 45,1 Baltic 21 38,1 34 47,1 Mediterranean 33 30,3 35 17,1 Black Sea 8 25,0 9 11,1 Macaronesian 6 0,0 12,5 Note: Scientific Reserves=unknown counted as not-sufficient

12 Area of marine Natura 2000 sites per MS
Area (km2) Area 0-12 nm (km²) Area beyond 12 nm (km²) BE 1.263 804 459 BG 926 CY 132 DE 25.667 15.634 10.033 DK 18.789 13.132 5.657 EE 6.773 6.595 178 ES 10.193 7.843 2.350 FI 6.922 6.903 19 FR 41.625 30.645 10.980 GR 6.899 6.898 1 IE 6.828 4.285 2.543 IT 5.305 LT 686 684 2 LV 4.379 4.169 211 MT 191 NL 11.662 5.778 5.885 PL 7.248 5.623 1.625 PT 1.756 1.419 338 RO 1.707 SE 9.203 5.183 4.020 SI 3 UK 49.301 22.118 27.184 Total 71.484

13 Area of marine N2000 per MS


15 Area of National seas covered by Natura 2000


17 Progress in marine SCI designation

18 Coverage of natura 2000 in the Marine regions and subregions
Sea Surface area (km²) MSFD surface area EU Number of Natura 2000 areas Area covered by Natura 2000 (km2) Area covered by (%) Area 0-1nm covered by Natura 2000 Area 1-12nm covered by Natura 2000 Area >12nm (within EEZ) covered by Natura 2000 (%) Baltic Sea 917 45.244 12,26 28,01 14,00 4,78 North East Atlantic Ocean 1.249 3,26 37,22 14,29 1,70 Celtic Sea 472 27.897 3,08 29,15 8,19 1,52 Greater North Sea 441 81.679 15,89 48,98 25,46 10,77 Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast 197 24.721 42,45 14,86 1,72 Macaronesia 149 2.458 0,13 15,20 2,31 0,02 Mediterranean 990 27.521 6,55 24,37 4,41 0,00 Western Mediterranean 553 18.768 11,81 41,28 8,71 Ionian and Central Mediterranean Sea 61.948 158 3.040 4,91 26,71 2,02 Adriatic Sea 25.347 81 705 2,78 12,69 1,77 Agean - Levantine Sea 201 5.008 2,88 12,30 1,63 Black Sea 55.304 43 3.429 6,20 72,10 27,69 Total 3.199 4,23 30,55 7,72 1,79

19 LIFE Projects that helped on the designation of marine Natura 2000 network sites
Project title Project number Comment Distribution and abundance of the harbour porpoise and other small cetaceous in the North Sea LIFE92 ENV/UK/000065 ICCI - Integral Coastal Conservation Initiative LIFE96 NAT/B/003032 Caretta caretta - Conservation support project for North Atlantic Caretta caretta sea turtles LIFE96 NAT/P/003019 UK marine SACS - To develop and promote the necessary conservation measures for UK marine SACS LIFE96 NAT/UK/003055 Caretta/Tursiops Truncatus - Project to support the conservation of Caretta caretta and Tursiops truncatus in the Canary Islands LIFE97 NAT/E/004151 One marine N2000 site enlargement zonas costeiras/Açores - Integrated management of coastal and marine zones in the Azores LIFE98 NAT/P/005275 cetáceos/Madeira - Project for the conservation of cetaceans in Madeira Archipelago LIFE99 NAT/P/006432 Dolphins 30/6/ Conservation of the dolphins from the Romanian Black Sea waters LIFE00 NAT/RO/007194 Cetáceos Mediterráneo - Conservation of cetaceans and turtles in Andalusia and Murcia LIFE02 NAT/E/008610 Caretta - Reduction of mortality of Caretta caretta in the Greek seas LIFE02 NAT/GR/008500 Cetáceos Gomera - Conservación de Tursiops y Caretta en La Gomera LIFE03 NAT/E/000062 IBA MARINAS - IMPORTANT BIRD AREAS FOR SEABIRDS (Marine Ibas) IN SPAIN LIFE04 NAT/ES/000049 SCANS-II - Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Sea LIFE04 NAT/GB/000245 TARTANET - Tartanet, a network for the conservation of sea turtles in Italy LIFE04 NAT/IT/000187 Proposed to enlarge one marine N2000 site IBAMarinha - Important bird areas for seabirds in Portugal LIFE04 NAT/P/000213 Baltic MPAs - Marine protected areas in the Eastern Baltic Sea LIFE05 NAT/LV/000100 INDEMARES - Inventory and designation of marine Natura 2000 areas in the Spanish sea LIFE07 NAT/E/000732 FINMARINET - Inventories and planning for the marine Natura 2000 network in Finland LIFE07 NAT/FIN/000151 CETACEOSMADEIRA II - Identifying critical marine areas for bottlenose dolphin and surveillance of the cetaceans' con ... LIFE07 NAT/P/000646 DENOFLIT - Inventory of marine species and habitats for development of NATURA 2000 network in the offshore ... LIFE09 NAT/LT/000234 MARMONI - Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea LIFE09 NAT/LV/000238 MarPro - Conservation of Marine Protected Species in Mainland Portugal LIFE09 NAT/PT/000038 MALTA SEABIRD PROJECT - Creating an inventory of Marine IBAs for Puffinus Yelkouan, Calonectris diomedea and Hydrobate ... LIFE10 NAT/MT/000090 SIMARINE-NATURA - Preparatory inventory and activities for the designation of marine IBA and SPA site for Phalacr ... LIFE10 NAT/SI/000141 Project MIGRATE - Conservation Status and potential Sites of Community Interest for Tursiops truncatus and Caretta caretta in Malta LIFE11 NAT/MT/001070

20 Evaluation of progress
Significant progress achieved over past few years. Most MSs actively engaged in surveys and research. Beneficial coordination with Regional Sea Conventions, NGOs, neighbouring countries. Role of LIFE and other EU funds, sometimes incl. fisheries measures. Art. 17 assessment: only 10 % of marine habitats and 2 % of marine species in favourable status, significant knowledge gaps. Conclusions of marine biogeographical seminars: large number of insufficiencies. Considerable differences among MSs in area/% covered, Uneven coverage of EU regional seas. Overall, appx 4,2% of EU seas under N2000 (cf. 10% CBD target) Vast majority of marine N2000 sites coastal, in the 0-1 nm zone, or within 12 nm. With a few exceptions, significant gaps offshore.

21 Synergies between marine/water/nature
Nature/Marine/Water Directors found the following areas relevant for cooperation: The establishment and management of marine protected areas Cooperation on an integrated approach in the implementation of the EU legislation on nature and water, including coherent interpretation of definitions Joint efforts on EU fisheries issues, including the elaboration of common methodologies on e.g. assessing the impact of fisheries, involving relevant experts and national bodies responsible for fisheries Streamlining and harmonisation of reporting under the directives in order to avoid duplication

22 Common methodology for Assessing Impact of Fisheries on Marine N2000
Need for a common methodology at EU level to ensure level-playing and consistent implementation of EU legislation Non-legally binding methodology, developed in with assistance of marine expert group. Builds on existing practice. Flexible methodology, moving from qualitative to quantitative analysis of habitats/species and fishing effort and related pressures Results to guide preparation of fisheries measures Applicable to other MPAs too

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