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Understanding Energy & Waves

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Energy & Waves"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Energy & Waves
What is energy ? What are energy transformations? What do waves have to do with energy?

2 Write about a time you experienced static electricity
Write about a time you experienced static electricity. What did it feel like? Were you surprised? Be descriptive and specific. How is this energy transfer? What are different types of energy transfer? Static Electricity Video

3 Energy is the ability to cause change.
2 main types Kinetic Energy Energy due to motion , all moving objects have kinetic energy. The speed and mass of an object affect the amount of kinetic energy MORE MASS & SPEED = MORE KINETIC ENERGY Kinetic Energy Video What is energy? Energy is the ability to cause change.

4 Potential Energy Video
Is stored energy due to the interactions between objects or particles. Gravitational potential energy – is stored between the object and the Earth , and is dependent on the objects weight and height. Elastic Potential Energy - is stored in objects that are compressed or stretched. Chemical Potential Energy - energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms - food and gasoline are examples. Potential Energy Video

5 Work - is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move in the direction of the force while the force is acting on the object . Or …… in physics, occurs when a force acts on an object to move it some distance from the start point (also called displacement). Work is calculated as the force times the distance/ direction. F x D = Work Work Video Work

6 Other Forms of Energy: Mechanical Energy – the total amount of energy both kinetic and potential in a system - the ability to do work. Example: A moving car possesses mechanical energy due to its motion (kinetic energy). A moving baseball possesses mechanical energy due to both its high speed (kinetic energy) and its vertical position above the ground  Sound Energy – The Energy that sound carries is produced when an object vibrates. The sound vibrations cause waves of pressure that travel through a medium, such as air, water, wood or metal. Ever put your hand on a speaker?

7 Other Forms of Energy - Continued
Thermal Energy - Thermal energy is often referred to as heat. The thermal energy of matter depends on how fast the atoms or molecules are moving. The faster they are moving, the more thermal energy they possess. Therefore, the temperature of the matter would be higher. Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy. Electric Energy - the energy that electric current carries. Electrical energy is energy that is caused by moving electric charges. Since the electric charges are moving, this is a form of kinetic energy. The faster the electric charges are moving the more electrical energy they carry. We can use the analogy of a ball being thrown at a window. The ball represents an electric charge and if the ball is not thrown very fast, then it may simply not have enough energy to break the window. Light Energy – ( Radiant Energy) - The potential for light to perform work is called light energy. Light energy is the only form of energy that we can actually see directly. It is formed through chemical, radiation, and mechanical means. Light energy can also be converted into other forms of energy. Nuclear Energy – is energy that is stored & released in a nucleus of an atom. Types of energy video

8 Quizizz on Energy & Types

9 How do waves transfer energy through matter and through empty space?
Waves are a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another with out transferring matter. 2 Main types Mechanical Waves – a wave that travels through matter – the waves caused by an earth quake – discuss two other types of mechanical waves…. Electromagnetic Waves – a wave that can travel through empty space. This type of wave forms when a charged particle ( electron) vibrates – example – the sun's energy traveling to Earth. Wave Types Video

10 Wave Structure and Properties
Wavelength – the distance between two crests Frequency - the number of wavelengths that pass a point in a second. Wave speed – depends on the type of matter it is passing through - the denser the matter the slower the wave Light travels at 3 X 108 m/s Sound waves travel at 700 meters in 2 seconds

11 Light : Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic waves have different wavelengths, frequencies and energy. What kind of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelength? The longest? What kind of electromagnetic radiation could be used to "see" molecules? A cold virus? The color of an object depends on the wavelength of light that enters the eye. Light Waves Video

12 Sound Waves Sound waves are produced when an energy source causes matter to vibrate. Pitch is the perception of how high or low a sound seems. Hertz (abbreviated: Hz) Hertz is used to measure wave frequencies, such as sound waves, light waves, and radio waves. When sound waves reach the eardrum, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. When the eardrum vibrates, it moves the tiny ossicles( ear bones) — from the hammer to the anvil and then to the stirrup. These bones help sound move along on its journey into the inner ear. When sound reaches the cochlea, the vibrations (sound) cause the hairs on the cells to move, creating nerve signals that the brain understands as sound. Sound Waves Video

13 What is energy. What are energy transformations
What is energy ? What are energy transformations? What do waves have to do with energy? Quizzizz on Sound & Light waves

14 References: Energy /2/ es/20/

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