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From Republic to Empire.....

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1 From Republic to Empire.....
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.....

2 The Roman Republic

3 Following the overthrow of the Etruscans, Romans were determined never again to be ruled by Kings. They adopted a form of government known as a republic.

4 REPUBLIC: a state in which elected representatives run the government, usually with a president as a formal head.


6 This form of government proved to be very successful
This form of government proved to be very successful. It lasted 500 years, and during that time, Rome became the leading power in the Mediterranean.

7 Roman Political Structure
Rome was divided into two distinct groups: PATRICIANS: Wealthy land owners and Rome’s ruling class. PLEBEIANS: Less wealthy landowners, farmers, artisans and merchants. ONLY PATRICIANS COULD BE ELECTED TO OFFICE.

8 Basic Governmental Structure
CONSULS Two chosen every year to run the government and lead the Roman Army into battle PRAETORS In charge of civil law- laws that applied to the citizens of Rome SENATE Select group of about 300 patricians who served for life.

9 Land Was status to the wealthy
Many farms had fallen to disrepair as soldiers spent years away from their farms. Many wealthy bought public lands & farms using slaves to farm the land. Poor country people went to the cities, still unable to work and very poor.

10 Conquered Lands Following each conquest, Rome made alliesof it’s defeated enemies and treated them justly. They took only a portion of their land, permitted the people to keep their customs, government and laws. Did not take slaves. They did have to acknowledge Roman leadership. This won Rome the loyalty of the people on the Italian Peninsula.

11 Roman Legions organized troops of 4000 to 5000 men each. These were organized into smaller units or companies called COHORTS. In battle the companies separated into three lines: FRONT- HASTI- Young men, unproven in battle SECOND- PRINCIPES- Older men carrying superior weapons/shields THIRD- TRIARII- Veterans who had already proved their courage

12 The Republic Struggles
From leader to leader, Rome seemed to struggle under the grasp of the Senate, whose interest was of only their own. There were some who tried to help the poor but their fate usually ended in death, or disapproval of the Senate.

13 Tiberius Gracchus ~ 133 BC Elected member of the tribune
Tired to get the wealthy to return the land to the poor Senators were opposed, as much of the land belonged to them. Riots broke out Tiberius was clubbed to death.

14 Gaius ~ 123 BC Brother of Tiberius Elected member of the tribune
Also wanted to help the poor He was also murdered

15 Pompey The Great ~ 70 BC Was a general Won victories in Spain
Crushed the slave revolt led by the gladiator, Spartacus. Cleared the Italian seas of pirates

16 Senate would not support Pompey
Allied himself with Gaius Julius Caesar By 60 BC – Pompey, Caesar and Crassus became allies.

17 The Move to Empire Julius Caesar gains absolute power
Civil war results in the assassination of Julius Caesar Octavian defeats his rival Marc Antony and takes over Rome.

18 An Empire Octavian becomes the first Emperor in 31 BC and is known as Augustus. An Empire is a political unit having control over a lot of territory and ruled by a supreme authority. Old laws and institutions remain in place so to “appear” as a republic.

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