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Numeral Incorporation

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1 Numeral Incorporation
Roland Hendrix

2 What is Numeral Incorporation
Numeral Incorporation is when a number is included in a sign. For example when the sign week becomes three/two weeks. You’ll notice that the original hand shape of the sign week changes. 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks How would we do five months.

3 Practice Sentences I’ll go to the store in two weeks.
I’m going home in three weeks. I was sick three months ago

4 Numeral Incorporation
Numeral Incoporation also exist when talking about money, ranking. 6 dollars 9 dollars First place 2nd place 3rd place

5 Numeral Incoporation Numeral Incorporation in ASL can be found with the signs week, month, day, dollar amount, place in a race, exact time, period of time, and height. 9:00 10:00 I worked for four days . I stayed at my grandmother's house for four days.

6 Watch Mr. Hendrix sign a story that contains three examples of signs involving numbers. Answer the following questions. A. The three signs are B. What area do the signs refer to (age, time, etc)? Do the signs accurately incorporate numeral incorporation?

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