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McDonald-Osborne News

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1 McDonald-Osborne News
August 22, Please sign up for Remind Texts Important Dates 8/23--Fall Pictures (Dress Down Day) 8/24--Civic Understandings Test 8/25--Math Mid-Unit 1 Test 8/25--Boo Hoo, Yahoo Breakfast (if you signed up and prepaid) 9/4--No School: Labor Day! 9/5--Progress Reports issued 9/6--Math Fact Challenge 9/21--PTA (4th and 5th grade program) 10/5--End of 9 weeks & ½ day for conferences This week in Math: Our lessons this week will continue to focus on place value, number forms (numeral, written, and expanded), and powers of ten as we prepare for our first test on Friday. Students continue to make progress on recalling their multiplication facts. If your child still struggles, please work with them. Math fact fluency will greatly help your student be successful in math this year. Reading: 1. Read-aloud: Steal Away Home, chp , focusing on Theme (the lesson or moral of the story) and Point of View (from whose perspective is the story being told) **2. Vocabulary test this Friday for word root list (in reading journal): ped. Language Arts: 1. Parts of speech, specifically conjunctions (and, or, but, so - “FANBOYS”) 2. Narrative Writing continues. Stress the importance that writing takes time and must make sense. We are working on tasks to prepare for the 9 weeks’ assessment. 3. Word Study: Students are working on a word list with specific sounds and patterns. What does it mean to be a good citizen? How do we change the Constitution? Our first social studies unit focuses on government and citizenship. We will discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the amendment process. HW & Important Info! Complete HW nightly: ELA column; read 20 mins each night Math, as assigned S. Studies and Science--weekly sheet Join our private group on Facebook: Mrs. Osborne's and Mrs. McDonald's Rooms Please remember that Friday, August 18th was the last day for parents to walk students to class each morning. We have many great staff members in the front drop off area and the halls to help students get to class and/or breakfast. This Wednesday, August 23rd is Picture Day. These pictures will be used in the yearbook. A proof will be sent home with all students for parents to view and place orders. This is a dress down day. Please refer to page 13 of the Student Handbook for dress code information about dress down days.

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