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Agenda for L :15-11 Warm-up Learning diaries

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for L :15-11 Warm-up Learning diaries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for L2 2016-09-22 9:15-11 Warm-up Learning diaries
Basic facilitation tools Break Trying a method: Debriefing cycle 11-12 Visual tools Trying a method: Future recall Wrap-up

2 The “Only questions” exercise Notes
Warm-up The “Only questions” exercise Notes A scene is improvised, in which any sentence used by the players must be a question. Players that use statements instead of questions are boo-ed out by the audience (audience yells `Die`) and are replaced by other players. New players need to take over the character of the players they replace. Although questions are quite often frowned upon in improv, in this game the idea is to build a story. That implies that any question should be giving information, and should be (implicitly) advancing on the information already available. Evidently, the next player should implicitly accept any information that was given in the previous question(s).

3 Elevator talk Learning diaries

4 Basic facilitation tools
About Tools Basic facilitation tools Active listening Paraphrasing Reflecting feelings, meaning Mirroring Summarizing For what purpose? Different levels of processes individuals in a situation workshop process PDP project Question-answer pair Types of questions Questioning Inform-invite

5 Exercise (PDP) Debriefing cycle ORID – the Debriefing cycle
What is ORID, ref. Pepe’s Facts and Feelings For what purposes : reflecting on an experience Taking one PDP “need for facilitation” at a time Antero presents the need Talk in pairs about the need Each student makes a Debriefing exercise Every student: -uses questions according the ORID process (Hogan 2003)

6 PDP Needs for facilitation Teaming up
challenges: basic rules, team roles, team dynamics interaction between team and manager communication commitment, participation

7 PDP Needs for facilitation 2. Midpoint transition
challenges: appreciating work that has been done knowing where the project is going at a moment what has been accomplished challenges that have been met

8 PDP Needs for facilitation 3. Team spirit and commitment
challenges: stress, need to deliver social well-being, good mood feelings of success, supporting creativity

9 PDP Needs for facilitation 4. International collaboration
challenges: Part of the team works abroad Virtual context, time differences, task division, use of tools Cultural diversity

10 PDP Needs for facilitation 5. Team-sponsor interface
challenges: proactive reporting to the sponsor

11 Visual tools Practical tools Group memory Cards, notes, storyboarding
Basics: learning models Individual learning - monological Social learning - dialogical Mediating artefacts – ”trialogical” Boundary objects Repositories Specimens Field notes Maps, charts Group memory Cards, notes, storyboarding Modeling Important is how they are used! Participation Transformation

12 Next lecture readings Trying a method Future recall
Hogan (Chapters 10-11)

13 F-Course schedule 2016-2017 PDP Meetings Tools Assign- ments Week 371
Introduction lecture Lecture II Speed dating with sponsors Lecture III Set up of teams Lecture IV with sponsors PD6 Co-creation with companies CPM I During team meetings Final lecture (Sunday) Design Overview DL Mystery Eve 4.12. (Sun) Project Plan DL CPM III With the Sponsors, share achievements and plan for spring Halfway Show Meet team Meet team Work with team -> Meetings L 1 Introduction L 2 Basic facilitation tools L 3 Transformative dialogue L 4 Difficult situations L 5 Stimulated learning Peer meeting Peer meeting Peer meeting Peer meeting Final essay DL Peer meeting 12.1. Presentations Tools Idealogue Questioning, debriefing, visualizing, future recall Negotiation Dynamic facilitation Appreciative inquiry Emotional tools Planning interventions Video practicalities Intervention: E.g. Divergence/convergence Intervention: E.g. Idealogue Intervention: E.g. Stimulated learning Assign- ments Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Essay writing Essay writing Essay writing

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