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Post-War Society Chapter 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-War Society Chapter 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-War Society Chapter 17

2 Recovery from War Converting back to peacetime Demobilization
GI Bill of Rights helps soldiers get loans, go to college Baby Boom increases population Economy soars Employment up Higher incomes  more purchasing Productivity up (technology boom) Standard of Living up

3 Presidents (50’s) Harry Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower
Desegregates the military Wins upset reelection in 1948 Fair Deal Strengthen New Deal Programs and create new programs Failed to win Congressional support Dwight D. Eisenhower Wins election in 1952 Very popular Prosperous, peaceful presidency

4 Changes in Society Move to suburbs Car ownership increases Car culture
Interstate Highway Act Migration to Sunbelt

5 Economic Changes Increase in white collar workers
Increased women in work force Less Farming Rise of franchise businesses and multination corporations

6 Educational Changes College enrollment up
High school graduation increases Fed. Govt. provides $ for math and science Education more accessible

7 Consumerism Americans buying more products Buying on credit Incomes up
Buying new household appliances

8 Family Life Nuclear family = ideal Defined gender roles
Children are the focus Vaccines and antibiotics improve health

9 Entertainment TV is very popular
Reinforces stereotypes and expectations Rock and Roll is most popular music Roots in rhythm and blues and jazz Popular among youth, older generation was critical

10 Rejecting 50’s Culture Not all benefit from or appreciate the prosperity of the 1950’s Lack of equal opportunities for minorities Belief that quality of life had not improved Some criticize conformity, lack of individualism, focus on materialism Beatniks Allen Ginsberg Jack Keroac

11 Poverty and Injustice Rural and urban poverty
Middle class moves to suburbs Cities hurt economically and politically Urban renewal seeks to improve deterioration of cities Many in rural areas live in poverty Minorities experience unfair treatment and discrimination

12 Counterculture Challenges the values of mainstream society Rebellion
Hippies value peace, love, freedom of expression Music encourages rejection of conventions Sexual revolution against restrictions “Sex, drugs, and rock & roll”

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