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The Sin of Self-Righteousness

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1 The Sin of Self-Righteousness
Matthew 5:20

2 What is Self-Righteousness?
Trusting in oneself for righteousness, Lk 18:9 (Prov 30:12-13); Isa 65:5 “Over confidence in one’s own righteousness” (Webster) Self-made forms of being righteousness, Phil 3:9; Rom 10:3

3 Considered to be Righteous Based on Keeping Law, Phil 3:9
Demands sinlessness, Gal 3:11-12 “Works salvation”, Rom 4:2-4 Futile: All have sinned (Ro 3:23) “I never transgressed your commandment at any time”, Luke 15:29, 1-2

4 Considered to be Righteous Based on Moral Goodness
Self is the standard, Lk 18:9-12 Trusting in one’s own goodness instead of relying on God’s mercy in Christ cf. Eph 2:4-6

5 Self-Righteousness Binds Where God has not Bound
A heavy load, Matt 23:3-4 Binding traditions elevate man’s wisdom above God’s revelation, Matt 15:1-6, 9-14 Binding conscience on others elevates one above another, Rom 14:10-13; 15:6-7

6 Self-Righteousness Works to be Seen by Others
An appearance of righteousness, Matthew 23:5 That is the reward, Matthew 6:1, 5, 16

7 Self-Righteousness Displays Arrogant Superiority over Others
Despises others, Luke 18:9 Compares itself to others, holding them in contempt, Matthew 9:11-13 No room for mercy, Luke 7:36-39 (Matt 21:28-32)

8 Hypocrisy is the Companion of Self-Righteousness
Façade that hides sin’s decay, Matthew 23:25-28 No depth of faith Outward display of piety that hides a heart of sin

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