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Psalm 45.

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1 Psalm 45

2 Put some wedding pictures of your group here and tell them what the theme of this Psalm is about!

3 This psalm was originally written to celebrate the marriage of a king, but it also refers to an eternal throne for the house of David which will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ when He returns to reign forever. Psalm 45

4 My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

5 Thou art fairer than the sons of men;
Grace is poured upon Thy lips; Therefore God has blessed Thee forever. Gird Thy sword on Thy thigh, O Mighty One, In Thy splendor and Thy majesty! And in Thy majesty ride on victoriously, For the cause of truth and meekness and righteousness;

6 Let Thy right hand teach Thee awesome things
Let Thy right hand teach Thee awesome things. Thine arrows are sharp; The peoples fall under Thee; Thine arrows are in the heart of the King’s enemies.

7 Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Thy God, has anointed Thee With the oil of joy above Thy fellows.

8 The word “throne” signifies “reign or rule”
The word “throne” signifies “reign or rule”. How long will God’s reign last? “Scepter” means “royal or imperial authority.” How does this verse describe His scepter? Read Hebrews 1:1-9. How has God spoken to us in these last days (v. 2)? How is the Son described (v. 3)? What is sustained by His word? What are the angels to do (v. 6)? Hebrews 1:8-9 quotes Psalm 45:6-7. How is the Son addressed in Hebrews 1:8 and Psalm 45:6? What does Hebrews 1:9 and Psalm 45:7 say about what He loves? What does He hate? Because of this, what has God anointed Him with?

9 Why did Jesus endure the cross?
Read Hebrews 12:2. Why did Jesus endure the cross?

10 What was Jesus’ attitude when faced with the cross?
Read Luke 22:42. What was Jesus’ attitude when faced with the cross?

11 Decorations All Thy garments are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; Out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made Thee glad. Kings’ daughters are among Thy noble ladies; At Thy right hand stands the queen in gold from Ophir. Music Guests

12 Listen, O daughter, give attention and incline your ear; Forget your people and your father’s house

13 Read Ephesians 5: To what relationship does Paul compare the relationship of Christ and the Church? Who is “the church” (Eph. 5:29-30)? What attitude is the royal bride encouraged to have in Psalm 45:10? What attitude did the men and women spoken of in Hebrews 11:15-16 have? According to Philippians 3:13-14, what should our attitude be? Is there something you need to put behind you so that you can move forward in your walk with the Lord?

14 Then the King will desire your beauty; Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him. And the daughter of Tyre will come with a gift; The rich among the people will entreat your favor.

15 What is the King’s attitude toward His bride (Psalm 45:11)?
What is Christ’s attitude and action toward His bride, the church, in Ephesians 5:25-27,29? Why did He do this (Ephesians 5:26-27)? In John 1:36 Jesus is called the “Lamb of God.” Read Revelation 19:7-8. What is the cause of rejoicing in these verses? Believer, you know the glorious future in store for you, as part of the bride of Christ But, do you sometimes have difficulty believing that God delights in you as a bridegroom delights in His bride? Write Psalm 149:4 inserting your name, then thank Him for His great love for you. “For the Lord takes pleasure in ____________.”

16 The King’s daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. She will be led to the King in embroidered work; The King’s daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. She will be led to the King in embroidered work;

17 Read 1 John 3:1-3. It is amazing to think of the love that God has for us. What are we called in verse 1? How can we become His child (John 1:12)? Who will we be like, according to 1 John 3:2? What should be our response to this (1 John 3:3)? We have been purified from our sins by the blood of Jesus, but what are some of the ways listed in Colossians 3:8-10 that we can purify the actions of our daily lives? Is there anything in this list that you need to work on? As the Holy Spirit produces His fruit in your life, what will being “glorious within” look like (Galatians 5:22-25)? What encouragement do you find in Philippians 1:6?

18 The virgins, her companions who follow her, will be brought to Thee
The virgins, her companions who follow her, will be brought to Thee. They will be led forth with gladness and rejoicing; They will enter into the King’s palace.

19 In place of your fathers will be your sons; You shall make them princes in all the earth.

20 I will cause Thy name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the peoples will give Thee thanks forever and ever. What promise did God give David in 2 Sam. 7:16-17? Who is the ultimate fulfillment of this promise (Luke 1:30-33)?

21 If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin, you are part of His bride. Read Revelation 19:6-16 and look forward to this event!

22 We want to thank the following for their help in providing pictures for this presentation:

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