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We will begin Chapter 7 “Business Organizations” today.

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1 We will begin Chapter 7 “Business Organizations” today.
Bell Ringer #1 – 11/15/10 We will begin Chapter 7 “Business Organizations” today. In your notebook, list 5 independent (non-chain) businesses in your community. List 5 “chain” or national companies to which you give business.

2 Sole Proprietorship A business owned and controlled by one person (self-employed) The oldest, simplest, and most common type of business organization Ex: House cleaner, plumber, lawyer, carpenter, hairstylist, farmer

3 Sole Proprietorship ADVANTAGES
Easy start-up, require small amounts of $$ Full control Exclusive rights to profits DISADVANTAGES Liability Sole responsibility Limited growth potential Lack of longevity

4 Zoning Laws Zoning Laws – specify areas of a city where various types of business activities can be pursued. Proprietorships must observe zoning laws, and some don’t allow for home businesses.

5 Liability Liability is a debt obligation; proprietors have unlimited liability (responsibility) for business debts Owners of failed businesses may have to sell personal belongings in order to pay back tough debts

6 Collateral Banks or lenders often require sole proprietors to put up collateral - item of value that a borrower agrees to give up if he/she is not able to repay a loan Ex: The business itself, their house, car, personal possessions Ms. Maher requires collateral when borrowing a pen or pencil

7 Homework Read Ch 7, Sn 1 (pgs 145-149)
Complete questions 1, 2, & 3ab on page 149. Due Wed 11/17

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