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Type I Type II, PRCs and Coupling

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Presentation on theme: "Type I Type II, PRCs and Coupling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Type I Type II, PRCs and Coupling
Daniel Forger

2 Through what mechanism do oscillations appear?

3 Type 1 Integrator 3

4 4

5 With such a mechanism Oscillations abruptly start or stop
The period changes drastically when parameters are changed The system does not resonate, instead it needs to get kicked 5

6 Type 2 Resonator 6

7 With such a mechanism Oscillations switch from decaying very slowly to growing very slowly The period of the oscillations barely changes when going through the bifurcation The system “resonates” 7

8 Chaotic Entrainment 8


10 Type I vs. Type II PloS Computational Biology 2:e30


12 Design I

13 Design II


15 Coupling by sharing a protein

16 Coupling by sharing a protein


18 Coupling by extracellular signaling Garcia-Ojalvo et al. PNAS 101:10955


20 Order Parameter

21 Coupling can reduce noise

22 Phase Shifting Glass and Winfree AJP 246:R251

23 PRC Atlas

24 Formula for the PRC Point D is on a limit Cycle
We perturb in the positive horizontal direction


26 0-D phaseless region

27 1-D phaseless region

28 2-D Phaseless Region 28

29 29

30 Winfree, The Geometry of Biological Time

31 Ukai, Nature Cell Biology 9:1327



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