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Virus vs. Bacterium MT: Immune System Vs..

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Presentation on theme: "Virus vs. Bacterium MT: Immune System Vs.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virus vs. Bacterium MT: Immune System Vs.

2 Characteristics of a Virus
3 different shapes (spherical, rod, icosahedral) microscopic; 1/100 size of bacterium Has genetic material (DNA or RNA) Surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid No nucleus Proteins on outside to communicate to other cells

3 3 Shapes of a Virus Spherical Icosahedral Rod

4 Guess their shape: adenovirus HIV T4 phage Chicken pox Herpes H1N1

5 Treatment of a Virus Antiviral drugs: can stop transcription of viral proteins Vaccine Wait for body to produce antibodies

6 Reproduction of a Virus
Cannot reproduce without a host Uses a host cell to go through transcription and translation Lytic or Lysogenic cycles (next slide)

7 Lytic Cycle Lysogenic Cycle Virus inserts genes into cell’s genes
Transcription/translation occurs in cell to make viral proteins Cell lyses (splits) and viruses released to infect other cells Lysogenic Cycle Cell can multiply and incorporate viral genes into new cells Viral genes stay dormant in new cells but change in environment can cause lytic cycle to begin

8 Lytic CyCLE Lysogenic CyCLE

9 Shapes of a Bacterium 100 x bigger than virus 3 different shapes
cocci (spherical) bacilli (rod), spirilla (spiral)

10 Guess their shape: Salmonella E. Coli streptococcus

11 Characteristics of a Bacterium
No nucleus Genetic material (DNA or RNA) floats in cytoplasm Have a cell wall May have flagella to move around Proteins on outside to communicate with other cells

12 Treatment of Bacteria Antibiotic drugs: destroy the cell membrane of bacterium

13 Reproduction of Bacteria
Binary Fission: making a clone Conjugation: tube from one bacterium inserts genes into other bacterium Spores: tiny dormant seeds

14 C/C Virus v. Bacterium using:
Shapes Genetic material Size Contents inside Protection from outside How communicate with other cells

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