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Integrating Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention and Care

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention and Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention and Care
Jennifer Marshall Assistant Director

2 Why HIV and SRH? All women and men have the right to access HIV prevention, testing, and care All women and men, including those living with HIV, have the right to access reproductive health services

3 HIV and SRH in Memphis Memphis, 2000 - 2005
Parallel, yet separate, paths

4 HIV and SRH in Memphis Memphis, now Convening Paths

5 What have we learned? How has learning about HIV and SRH integration impacted: you professionally? your agency/clinic? our community? What would you like to see as our next steps?

6 Next Steps… Continued support for Memphis
Statewide dissemination of the Parallel Paths/Caminos Paralelos project Nashville Knoxville Chattanooga Others?

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